The Hand wishes a belated birthday to Dolores O’ Riordan

September 21, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, Other News

These past days The Hand, the very famous cartoonist in The Cranberries world, was very prolific and drew several portraits of Dolores O’ Riordan.
Yesterday he published his final work on the Internet as a GIF called “12DoloreS”
followed by a post on his Twitter account today with a message revealing his real intention:

actually and intentionally it was a GIF(t) for her birthday .. but I was late, as usual :/

Unfortunately it seems it won’t turn into a new “Calendolores” 😉

As the animation goes quite fast, you may have missed some drawings!
You’ll thus find below all his BRILLIANT sketches extracted from the GIF as well as the images they are related to (as usual click on each picture to see it larger):

Animal Instinct – video



Are You Listening? – album



Science Agrees – album



D.A.R.K. – promo photo



London Astoria II – 1994



I Can’t Be With You – video



Lublin Arena – 2016



MTV European Music Awards – 1995



Promises – video



The Journey – video



The Voice of Ireland 2014 – final



Zombie – video



POLL: One week’s gone since Science Agrees release, let us know what’s your fav track!

September 16, 2016  |  9 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

It’s been a week since the release of D.A.R.K.’s debut album Science Agrees, a perfect occasion to ask you guys what’s your favorite track after several listens.

Let’s note that we just learnt in a brand new interview of Andy Rourke given by website Cryptic Rock that the two release date postponements they had to went through (release was first supposed to take place in May, then August, then September) were due to “some problems with artwork”. Click here to read the whole interview.

So, because it might a little hard for you to pick only one song from the album, you’re allowed to pick your two “coups de coeur” in the poll below 😉

What's your favorite track on Science Agrees?

  • High Fashion (23%, 43 Votes)
  • Gunfight (15%, 28 Votes)
  • Loosen The Noose (13%, 24 Votes)
  • Watch Out (11%, 20 Votes)
  • Steal You Away (9%, 16 Votes)
  • Curvy (8%, 15 Votes)
  • The Moon (7%, 12 Votes)
  • Underwater (5%, 10 Votes)
  • Chynamite (5%, 9 Votes)
  • Miles Away (4%, 7 Votes)

Total Voters: 123

Loading ... Loading ...

You’ve got two weeks to vote, let’s see which one is the very favorite in the fan community!

Update on Science Agrees release

September 9, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Still keeping you updated on Science Agrees release as it seems some fans were lucky enough to get their hands on a hard copy of the album today!!!

You can check below a pic of the CD, case, booklet published by DORSpain.
(As usual click on the picture to see it larger)


We used this occasion to update Credits & Lyrics in our discography, have a look at them.

So… if you managed to get a physical copy of the album, please let us know where it is available to help the desperate fans who cannot find it!
What we know for sure is that no one has been able to buy it in any store in France at the moment.
Tell us more about the availability in your country.

It seems the album is on sale in Spain (Fnac stores), and in the UK.
Impossible to find it in France / Germany / Netherlands.

Also, to celebrate this release, let’s note D.A.R.K. posted a very cool vid on their Facebook account which you can watch below.

Last, numerous articles are being published to cover this release. Let’s thus put forward this very cool interview of Andy Rourke given to Yahoo Music that should get Smiths fans into this side project 😉

“Science Agrees” release, a few hours left…

September 8, 2016  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Are you guys all ready to discover D.A.R.K.’s debut album Science Agrees tomorrow?
Much to our delight the band confirmed a moment ago on Facebook the release date for tomorrow, which is reassuring as after a few postponements we feared the album would never see the light of day.

However there are still doubts on the fact the album will be physically released tomorrow.
Indeed, some members of our crew called their local record stores today to ask if the album would be available tomorrow… weirdly enough they were told they would have none in stocks this week!

So, was right announcing a digital release on September 9th and physical release (both CD and Vinyl) on October 14th? Time will tell, but vinyls/CDs collectors, be prepared for a possible deception… (or call your own local stores NOW and give us hope!)

Science Agrees

“The Moon” officially shared today

September 6, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

September 6, 2016: what a day!
After Dolores’ Birthday, the brand new audio interview featuring Dolores O’Riordan & Andy Rourke and the official world premiere of the track “High Fashion”, the website just officially shared “The Moon” – which, as we learnt earlier, is Dolores fav track of the album. The song is introduced as a gothic club track!

So if you didn’t get the album last August 19th when it was accidentally made available on streaming platforms and/or still haven’t heard “The Moon”, it is time.

Thanks to Cranberryesque for noticing.


Also to notice a great “The Moon” fanart by Cristy shared on her Twitter:

2016.09.06 The Moon Cristy fanart

What about “Science Agrees” physical release?

September 3, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Is there reasons to believe that Science Agrees release date could be postponed once again, or that the album could never see the light of day? (or at least be released digitally only)

A question worth asking as a fan who lives in Canada caught our attention on an email she received from to let her know that her Science Agrees vinyl preorder was cancelled because they “expected to be able to send this item to [her]” but they “since found out it’s not available from any of [their] sources at this time“.

2016.09.03 amazonpreordercancelled

Quite a worrying message, especially now the D.A.R.K. European tour has been cancelled (and not postponed) a couple of days ago.

Although PledgeMusic has FINALLY updated the release date to September 9th on their website, let’s recall that fans who preorder the album/vinyl on their platform are made aware that the items should be ready on “October 21st”. Also, states that the album (CD and Vinyl) will be released on October 14th.

Whatever is happening here, we feel sorry for the band as these numerous postponements and cancellations must be quite a disappointment for them.

Let’s note that, on the journalists side, it seems some more promo CDs have been sent recently to the media for them to review the album in their September issues.
Indeed, as shown by the below pictures of two CDs that were sold on eBay recently, Cooking Vinyl pressed a new version of the album.

1st promo CD released in April 2016 (COOKCD642W):

2016.09.03 SA promo refW front

2016.09.03 SA promo refW back

2nd promo CD released in August 2016 (COOKCD642P):

2016.09.03 SA promo refP front

As a matter of fact, first reviews are being published these days, such as the tough one published on Slug Magazine or that of Pitchfork.

Special thanks to Andrea.

Towards another postponement of the D.A.R.K. tour? (TOUR CANCELLED – UPDATED 7x)

September 1, 2016  |  9 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Some members of our team just noticed that tickets for the Parisian concert of D.A.R.K. on September 22nd are not available for sale anymore at the moment, which could be a very nice surprise if that meant the concert was now sold out.

However, let’s note that, when trying to buy tickets on GDP, buyers are not told that the concert is sold out but that “there was a problem with the reservation”.
Fnac, on its side, mention that “tickets are no longer available…”

What’s more intriguing is that the band was still pushing the date on social media two days ago with a new video promoting the performance at Divan du Monde, which usually tends to show that the venue is far from selling out.

Although all other dates are still on sale, it seems the same “problem” can be noted with the Italian date due to take place on September 23rd at Tunnel Club in Milano.
Indeed, if one tries to buy tickets on Live Nation, the following message appears:


Currently No Tickets Available
Check back again soon for exclusive access to tickets!

2016.09.01 milano tix

This is definitely not a good sign as none of these concerts seemed close to selling out lately.
Let’s remember Dolores recently had to cancel four dates with The Cranberries lately due to health problems.

We fear another postponement/cancellation would deal severe blow to the D.A.R.K. project 🙁



Thanks to Cordell who confirmed a moment ago he/she received a mail from Fnac to confirm that the Paris date would not take place.

We also just received an email from Cyprus Avenue, Cork, to let us know that tickets bought for the D.A.R.K. concert were refunded.

Here is the official statement:

DARK have unfortunately been forced to cancel their European tour including their Cork date scheduled for Sept 17th. Refunds available from point of purchase. Statement from the band: ‘We are really sorry that we have to cancel these shows. Unfortunately Dolores has suffered an acute back injury. An MRI scan confirmed she has a bulging disc which causes extreme pain which has meant that she has not been able to fulfil several engagements in the last couple of weeks. We had hoped that with treatment and rest she would be recovered for this tour. Sadly this is not the case and the doctors have now advised full rest for at least the next month to ensure that her condition does not become more serious. Apologies for the inconvenience that this causes, it’s simply impossible to go ahead with the tour.’

Same message for the show in London, Bush Hall.

UPDATE – 1:35 PM (CET)

Official statement for Milano:

Live Nation Italia è spiacente di comunicare che il concerto dei D.A.R.K. in programma il 23 settembre è annullato.

I biglietti già acquistati potranno essere rimborsati presso i punti vendita di acquisto entro il 30 ottobre 2016. Per i biglietti acquistati online TicketOne manderà una e-mail con tutti i dettagli a tutti gli acquirenti.

La band ha emesso un comunicato ufficiale: “Siamo davvero dispiaciuti di cancellare il tour. Purtroppo Dolores ha subito un infortunio alla schiena. La risonanza magnetica ha confermato la presenza di una ‘protrusione discale’, che provoca un fortissimo dolore. Motivo per il quale Dolores non è stata in grado di mantenere diversi impegni nelle ultime due settimane. Speravamo con tutto il cuore che con terapia e riposo si riprendesse in tempo per il tour, ma purtroppo non è successo, e i dottori le hanno consigliato riposo totale per almeno un altro mese, per far sì che le sue condizioni non diventino più serie. Ci scusiamo per il disagio causato, ma è davvero impossibile intraprendere un tour in questo momento”.

UPDATE – 1:55 PM (CET)

Limerick show at Dolan’s Warehouse now officially cancelled, same statement as the others.

UPDATE – 2:20 PM (CET)

The Whelan’s webiste just marked the Dublin show as cancelled and the Doctor Music’s website did the same for the show in Madrid at Caracol


UPDATE – 2:45 PM (CET)

Doctor Music‘s official statement for Madrid:

D.A.R.K. cancela su gira en España por problemas de salud
Jueves, 1 septiembre 2016
El importe de las entradas se puede recuperar en los mismos puntos de venta donde fueron adquiridas
Doctor Music lamenta profundamente tener que informar de la cancelación del concierto de D.A.R.K previsto para el próximo 27 de septiembre en la sala Caracol de Madrid.

Como la propia banda ha comunicado: “Desafortunadamente, Dolores ha sufrido una lesión aguda en la espalda. Una resonancia magnética ha confirmado una importante protrusión discal, lo que le está causando un dolor extremo que le ha impedido cumplir con sus compromisos profesionales en estas últimas semanas. Teníamos la esperanza de que con un tratamiento adecuado y reposo pudiera reponerse y poder seguir adelante con este tour. Lamentablemente, esto no ha sido así y los doctores le han prescrito reposo absoluto durante al menos todo el mes para evitar que su situación empeore. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias causadas, pero es imposible seguir hacia delante con este gira.”

El importe de las entradas para el concierto de Madrid se puede recuperar en los mismos puntos de venta donde fueron adquiridas. Así mismo, las entradas de venta online se reembolsarán automáticamente.

UPDATE – 5:58 PM (CET)

GPD, producer of the Paris show, just sent the following email both in French and English:

Le concert de D.A.R.K. prévu le 22 Septembre 2016 prochain au Divan du Monde est malheureusement annulé.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les modalités de remboursement:

  • Billets à retirer au guichet: Merci de nous envoyer par e-mail votre n° de commande et votre adresse complète.

Le remboursement se fera par chèque sous 2 à 3 semaines.
Si vous souhaitez être remboursé plus rapidement, vous pouvez également nous joindre au, et nous communiquer les numéros et la date d’expiration de votre carte bancaire pour un remboursement immédiat.

  • Billets reçus par courrier: Merci de nous renvoyer vos billets à l’adresse indiquée en signature du mail en nous précisant votre adresse complète.

Le remboursement se fera par chèque sous 2 à 3 semaines.
La date limite de remboursement est fixée au : jeudi 1er décembre 2016
(Après cette date, il ne sera plus possible de demander le remboursement de vos billets)

Merci et bonne fin de journée,
Bien cordialement,




Dear Customer,
D.A.R.K.’s concert at the Divan du Monde in Paris on September 22th 2016 is unfortunately cancelled.
You will find the refund information below:

–          Will-call tickets: Please send us your order number by e-mail together with your credit card number and expiration date only (no security code needed for refunds). We will refund you within 2 to 3 business days.

  • Tickets received by mail or DHL : please send us your tickets by mail at our address hereunder together with your bank account information. We will refund you by bank transfer within 2 to 3 weeks.

Please note the refunds will be closed after Thursday December 1st 2016
(no refunds after this date)

Thank you very much, kind regards


UPDATE – 6:45 PM (CET)

And last but not least, the band just published on their website and Facebook the following message:

We are really sorry that we have to cancel these shows.
Unfortunately Dolores has suffered a acute back injury. An MRI scan confirmed she has a bulging disc which causes extreme pain which has meant that she has not been able to fulfil several engagements in the last couple of weeks. We had hoped that with treatment and rest she would be recovered for this tour. Sadly this is not the case and the doctors have now advised full rest for at least the next month to ensure that her condition does not become more serious.
Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience that this causes, it’s simply impossible to go ahead with the tour. Ticket refunds are available from point of purchase
Shows cancelled:
16.09.16 Dolan’s Warehouse, Limerick
17.09.16 Cypress Avenue, Cork
19.09.16 Whelan’s, Dublin
21.09.16 Bush Hall, London
22.09.16 Divan du Monde, Paris
23.09.16 Tunnel, Milan
25.09.16 Lido, Berlin
27.09.16 Caracol, Madrid

“Science Agrees” being taken down from digital platforms?!

August 19, 2016  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Did digital platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer & co get “Science Agrees” release date wrong?

It seems something tricky is happening as the album was just taken down from iTunes music a couple of hours ago, now followed by Apple Music!!!
Could it be that these platforms were not informed that the release date was pushed back? This is a possibility, we’ll see in the following hours if the album remains available on other streaming platforms (Deezer, Spotify…)

If you want to get your hands on it before September 9th, make it fast cause you might not be able to buy it in the upcoming hours/days!!!

Whatever is happening, there’s definitely a mess surrounding this release which was already postponed twice since May 27th…
As mentioned in our previous post, Pledge Music is now announcing that people who preordered the signed CD/LP on their website should expect it to be delivered on October 21st!!!
Last, now mentions a digital release on August 19th and a physical release on October 14th, see below screencap:

2016.08.19 sc amazon usa

What the hell is happening?
Would the band fail to mention the digital album release today whereas they keep on promoting the upcoming Irish shows?

Thanks to Cranberryesque for drawing our attention on Amazon’s new release date

The album has now been removed from Spotify & Deezer too!

“Science Agrees” available NOW on digital platforms!

August 18, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Surprising news but definitely real: “Science Agrees” is now available on digital platforms!

Indeed, fans first believed earlier today that the album had leaked, but it appears that it is actually available for digital download on iTunes Russia already, same goes for iTunes Australia as it’s already August 19th there!

2016.08.18 SA iTunes Russia

As a reminder, the release date was first set to May 27th, postponed to August 19th and then postponed again to September 9th. It seems September 9th will thus be the date of the physical release.

The Cranberries World team has already started working on the lyrics, feel free to help us correcting/completing them in our discography 🙂  (if you have any suggestions => “Leave a Reply” below)

As you might know, a demo version of the album had leaked on April 26th in a very private sphere. Some members of our team who are in possession of this version will compare as soon as possible both albums to see if there are major differences such as that we spotted on Gunfight. We will keep you updated on that but can definitely note for the moment that the tracklist is unchanged!


PS: Thanks to our friends at Cranberries Mexico who were the first to notice the “leak” in the afternoon

Although we mentioned last night that September 9th would probably be the date of release of the physical version of the album, it seems we were wrong as Pledge Music updated their website this morning stating that the CD and LP are now available but when clicking on their button it still says pre-order (weird!)
What’s even weirder is that the “expected fulfillment date” mentioned for those who pre-ordered signed album & LP is now set to October 21st!!! How disappointing when you’re among the first ones to preorder the album…

“All Things Considered/Why Music Matters” old interview with Dolores

August 6, 2016  |  Comments Off on “All Things Considered/Why Music Matters” old interview with Dolores  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

One of our readers just sent us a link of an old and rare interview with Dolores O’Riordan recorded in 2012 a few months after the death of her father.

Broadcast on the US radio NPR, the music program is called “All Things Considered”.
They launched a new series called “Why Music Matters: stories from fans in their own words about how music has changed their lives”.

Nathan Hotchkiss.

Nathan Hotchkiss

In this episode you can listen to the story of Nathan Hotchkiss explaining how The Cranberries music helped him coming to terms with his identity. For sure a nice moment to be shared and there’s a happy surprise at the end of the 8min audio clip as he had the chance to exchange a few words with Dolores herself who seems to be touched by his story.

Download and/or listen to the show by clicking this link.
Thanks to Lionel for the information!

2012.02.10 show 1
Note: NPR might sound familiar to fans as the radio also recorded a Cranberries promo performance in 2012 for “All Songs Considered/Tiny Desk Concert”. Unclear whether this was recorded the same day or not.

A selfie for Dolores / An artwork for “Gunfight”

July 27, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

2016.07.27 D selfie

So rare it has to be shared!!!
Dolores took her first ever selfie today and posted it on her Facebook account with the following words:

Hello Facebook!!
This is my first selfie….ever!
I got a few days off from The Cranberries tour so I thought I’d give Facebook a crack…. It’s great to be back on the road with Mike, Noel and Ferg and I’m really looking forward to the September DARK tour with Andy and Ole. New DARK songs are here:
Sending you all my love…Dolores xo

On the other hand and following the news about Science Agrees new release date and Gunfight‘s availability on streaming platforms, the fansite Cranberryesque discovered on Spotify that the song had its own artwork:

2016.07.27 Gunfight single artwork

What a day!!

On why “Science Agrees” release was postponed twice…

July 20, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

As you may know, the third track of Science Agrees, Gunfight, was officially released today as a free download for fans who had preordered the album on Pledge Music.
Like many, we enthusiastically waited for midnight to give this track a listen and found out that mix and lyrics actually differ from the 30-second-extract of the song that was published on Shazam mid may!

Indeed, what we will now call an alternative version featured the following line:

“This love life is doing me harm”

whereas we can obviously hear the below words on the official release today:

“This love life, lost in your arms”


This interesting change leads us to ponder over the reason that triggered two postponements of the album release date: has the album undergone changes since?

We believe it’s worth considering such theory, especially as, as noted recently, two unknown tracks which are NOT part of the tracklist that was revealed in May have been used by the band in videos made to promote the upcoming European shows.

Are we to expect a new tracklist and different versions of the songs that were sent to journalists in May?
Time will tell, but this is definitely exciting!


EDIT: SEP.09, 2016
Lyrics above were just an attempt before the album was officially released. Now the album is out and the official lyrics say: “You know I can’t sleep” and not “Now”

The Cranberries back in rehearsals, invite fans to join them and shed a light on D.A.R.K.’s tour postponement

May 15, 2016  |  6 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

The band is back to the Limerick Chamber Orchestra studio this week so as to rehearse once more for the summer shows that will take place in Europe and Mexico.

This time, Dolores is rehearsing with the boys, Johanna and Mikey, as seen on the pictures Noel posted on the band’s Instagram account:

2016.05.14 icos1

Cool pic of Declan, the band’s backline tech!

2016.05.13 icos3

2016.05.13 icos2

2016.05.13 icos1

2016.05.14 icos4

Mike and the new guy Mikey Freedom Hart

These rehearsals are taking place as Dolores should have been starting touring Europe with her side project D.A.R.K.
A great opportunity for fans who were to fly to Limerick to attend D.A.R.K.’s first concert ever as a few of them were lucky enough to be invited by Dolores herself to attend The Cranberries rehearsals twice!

2016.05.14 icos3

From left to right, Noel, Voula, Litsa, Dolores, Dolores, Fergal, Mike

2016.05.14 icos2

Picture of the girls Noel posted on the band’s official Instagram account!

Congrats to Litsa (Greece), Voula (Greece) and Dolores (Croatia) who probably had the time of their life, enjoying a “private” concert, being offered setlists and taking pics with the band!

The girls used the occasion to question Dolores about D.A.R.K.’s tour postponement and learned that it was due to visa issues for their guitarist, which explains why fans got to learn about the rescheduled dates pretty late. The band is grateful, however, that fans are quite tolerant and not blaming them for this postponement.

Source: Thanks to Litsa who told us about this amazing experience, well done girls!

“God Be With You” on the charity album to fight homelessness

May 11, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

The tracklisting of the charity album to fight homelessness featuring Dolores O’Riordan among other Irish artists is now known. The website Lovin Dublin just published the full list and it will be the song “God Be With You” concerning Dolores. The album is called “Rising Against Homelessness” and goes on sale this week in Irish record stores, Starbucks outlets and will also be available to download from iTunes.
Price €10.

2016.10.11 rising against homelessness


1. ‘The Patriot Game’ by Munday and friends

2. ‘The Foggy Dew’ by The Chieftains with Sinead O’Connor

3. ‘God Be With You ‘ by Dolores O’Riordan 

4. ‘Wild Mountain Time’ by The Waterboys

5. ‘The Town I Loved So Well’ by Camille O’Sullivan

6. ‘The Auld Triangle’ by HomeTown

7. ‘The Night Visiting Song’ by August Wells

8. ‘Children of ’16’ by Declan O’Rourke

9. ‘Villains Remix’ by The Saw Doctors with Giles Packham

10. ‘Hairy Jaysus’ by Kila with Giles Packham

11. ‘Down By The Sally Gardens’ by Heathers

12. ‘Romantic Ireland Is Dead and Gone’ by The Walls

13. ‘The Galtee Mountain Bay’ by Pauline Scanlon.

14. ‘A Song for Ireland’ by Stephen Robinson

15. ‘Foggy Dew 2016’ by Lethal Dialect

16. ‘Amhrán na bhFiann’ by Meltybrains?

As you probably all know, “God Be With You” already appears on the remastered version of the album “To The Faithful Departed”. Dolores being credited on this new charity album and not “The Cranberries” it is quite unclear for now whether the song is a new version or the old Cranberries version.

Sources: Lovin Dublin, Irish Mirror

Edit: “God Be With You” was originally recorded and released as a Dolores solo track for “The Devil’s Own” soundtrack, so there’s a good chance that this is still the same old version on this charity CD.
Thanks Richard!!

more pictures:
2016.10.12 RAH1

2016.10.12 RAH2

2016.10.12 RAH3

D.A.R.K.’s new European tour dates so far (UPDATE: ALL DATES)

May 3, 2016  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Promoters are starting to announce rescheduled dates of the postponement D.A.R.K. tour today!
So far the following dates have been announced:

Dublin, Whelan’s: September 19, 2016
London, Bush Hall: September 21, 2016
Milano, Tunnel Club: September 23, 2016
Madrid, Caracol: September 27, 2016

We will update this post during the day with others dates as soon as those are confirmed
Also thanks to Jay Wright for the info re London 😉

Sources:,, Bush Hall &

Berlin, Lido: September 25, 2016
Source: Trinity Tickets

New date in Cork, Ireland at Cyprus Avenue: September 17, 2016
Source: Eventbrite

Thanks to Dolores O’Riordan Spain for finding this new date first!!

Limerick, Dolan’s Warehouse: September 16, 2016
Source: Dolans

UPDATE MAY 04 – 11:30 AM (UTC)
and last,
Paris, Divan du Monde: September 22, 2016
Source: GDP

All dates have now been rescheduled and one new appeared in Cork, Ireland
Here below the final list (8 concerts):

Limerick, Dolan’s Warehouse: September 16, 2016
Cork, Cyprus Avenue: September 17, 2016
Dublin, Whelan’s: September 19, 2016
London, Bush Hall: September 21, 2016
Paris, Divan du Monde: September 22, 2016
Milano, Tunnel Club: September 23, 2016
Berlin, Lido: September 25, 2016
Madrid, Caracol: September 27, 2016

All concert dates can be found in the calendar section as well, both Dark and Cranberries dates
See you on tour!

D.A.R.K.’s tour dates POSTPONED!

May 1, 2016  |  7 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

If you’ve been following the D.A.R.K. news lately, you probably already know that “Science Agrees” release is to be postponed to August 19th, 2016.

As an obvious consequence, rumor grew that next announcement would concern a possible postponement of the band European tour that was due to take place from May 13th to May 26th.


This rumor was just officially confirmed a moment ago as D.A.R.K. published the below message on their Facebook account :

To all our fans we are so sorry to announce that we have to postpone our forthcoming tour until September due to the last minute unavailability of our lead guitarist and the deferral of the release of our debut album until late August. All tickets already purchased will be valid for the rescheduled shows in September details of which will be announced after the weekend. For those of you who cannot make it to our rescheduled shows full refunds will be given. We sincerely regret this and hope to see you at our shows in September.

The rescheduled dates are not known at the moment but should be in a couple of days.

Quite a disappointing news for fans – especially those who had booked flights, hotels and tickets to be among the firsts to discover Dolores O’Riordan’s new project – but somehow unsurprising.

We will keep you updated on this postponement as soon as we get some more news.

“Sciences Agrees” release postponed?!

April 29, 2016  |  6 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Worrying news for fans as rumor has been circulating for a few days that D.A.R.K. debut album release could be postponed to a later date this year…

Cranberries World team had decided not to comment on this as there was no official sign that this would happen.

However, this morning, Amazon UK changed the release date to August 19, 2016 as you can see yourself on this page.

We’ll keep you updated on this unexpected and major postponement as soon as we’ll get more news during the upcoming hours/days, keep on checking our website!

Fans who pre-ordered the album will most probably receive an email from Pledge Music in the following hours/days to let them know when they can expect their album to be delivered, closer to August.

Thanks to Dan Steward who brought our attention to this fact.

EDIT [10:30am GMT]

Confirmed on (and iTunes France) as well for August 19th!!
Thanks to Arnaud for letting us know.

EDIT [11:37am GMT]
September 23 on Amazon Canada, Thanks Andrea!

D.A.R.K.’s new song “Loosen The Noose” available now (UPDATED 2x)

April 7, 2016  |  10 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

D.A.R.K.’s new song “Loosen The Noose” will be released tomorrow April 8th.
It’s still April 7th right now for half of the world but if you live in a country where April 8th is already there like Russia, Japan, Australia and else the YouTube video link below is already working.
If not midnight for you there’s nothing we can do 🙁  just be patient or try to change your computer clock (not working for everyone!)

Like on “Curvy” Dolores and Olé are both singing on this one.
A cool nice song with very sweet Dolores vocals.

UPDATE – 8:25 PM (UTC)

Cranberries World team’s attempt at writing the lyrics can be found on the “Loosen The Noose” page.
If you think there is a mistake please let us know.
You can find more lyrics in the Song List A-Z section.

UPDATE – 10:01 PM (UTC)

It’s now midnight all over Europe (except Portugal, UK and Ireland) and the song is also available on Spotify:

Dolores to take part in a charity project against homelessness

April 3, 2016  |  Comments Off on Dolores to take part in a charity project against homelessness  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

An article published today on the Independent reveals that Dolores O’Riordan will be involved in a project called “Rock Against Homelessness” which is part of the “One For Ireland” campaign. This event is to alert on the overall number of homeless people in Ireland seriously increasing these last months and to raise €1M to fight youth homelessness throughout April.

2016.04.24 concert ad

A concert will take place at the Olympia Theatre in Dublin on April 24 and a charity CD will be released in 3 weeks. Dolores is not on the list of the artists performing at the concert (or is she the very special guest?) but is to feature on the CD among other artists such as The Waterboys, Sinead O’Connor, The Chieftains, The Saw Doctors, Tommy Fleming, Camille O’Sullivan, Mundy and Hometown.

Thanks to A.P. for the tip!


Two new dates added to the D.A.R.K. tour

March 29, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

D.A.R.K. official website was updated this morning with two new dates in Spain & Germany.
The band will now stop at Lido, Berlin on May 24th and Caracol, Madrid on May 26th.

2016.03.29 dark gigs

Let’s note tickets for Berlin are on sale already, whereas Madrid concert is to go on sale on April 1st.
Many thanks to Dolores O’Riordan Spain for noticing!

D.A.R.K. first ever performances with Dolores announced!

March 23, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

A fan who lives in Dublin found out this morning on – an official ticket sales company – that D.A.R.K. will be performing on Monday May 16, 2016 at Whelan’s in Dublin!


Second date added in Paris at Divan du Monde on Friday May 20th as per French promoter website


Two other dates have just been added on
Bush Hall, London – Wednesday May 18th
Dolans Warehouse, Limerick – Friday May 13th

Italy added!!!
Tunnel Club, Milano – Monday May 23rd

Dublin tickets to go on sale tomorrow morning on March 24th at 9:00 AM (GMT).
As far as Paris tickets are concerned, pre-sale tomorrow at 9:00 AM (GMT), general on sale should take place later.

These performances are the first ever concerts of D.A.R.K. announced since Dolores O’Riordan has joined the band. All these venues’ capacity is less than 500 people, which sounds quite exciting.

We believe some more shows should be announced in Europe around these ones today or during the week.

Many thanks to Johann Rosales who first shared the info for Dublin show.

More on D.A.R.K. new album!!! (UPDATED 2x)

March 13, 2016  |  26 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

A huge thanks to Cranberries Mexico and Andrea Nannelli (Cranberries Italia) who found out first details on D.A.R.K. debut album today.

As published yesterday, “Science Agrees” is to be released by Cooking Vinyl on May 27th (in Europe for sure, probably June 3rd in the US, we’ll get more details soon as far as other territories are concerned).
Science Agrees

Tracklist can already be found on Amazon:

1. Curvy (05:28)

2. Chynamite (03:38)

3. Gunfight (03:17)

4. Steal You Away (04:39)

5. High Fashion (04:06)

6. Watch Out (04:33)

7. Miles Away (04:09)

8. The Moon (04:36)

9. Underwater (04:16)

10. Loosen The Noose (04:25)


Total length: 00:43:07

And best surprise of the day comes again from Cranberries Mexico as the single, Curvy, is already available on Spotify Mexico and has since been uploaded on YouTube for those who can’t access the link:

First thing fans will notice is that both Olé Koretsky and Dolores seem to be singing on the track. We don’t know yet if that’s the case on all tracks of the album.

So… what do you guys think about it 🙂 ? Good one, yeah?

UPDATE – 3:30 PM (UTC)

“Curvy” lyrics can be found on the Song List-A-Z section.
Please let us know if you think we got some words wrong.

UPDATE – 3:40 PM (UTC)

Fourth song of the album Steal You Away was performed live before in 2012, before Dolores got to join the band. You can watch the performance below:

BREAKING: A couple of albums coming out!!! (UPDATED 2x)

February 24, 2016  |  10 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

An online article of the reports a few words Dolores said outside court after the sentencing:

 I don’t really have much to say. I’m glad it’s over and I want to thank the doctors who helped me to get back my health mentally.


I’m feeling very good today, very positive about this upcoming year. I have a couple of albums coming out and I’m going to go back to work.

2016.02.24 ennis district court 2

2016.02.24 ennis district court 7

Is Dolores talking about The Cranberries + JetlagNYC + the hypothetical collaboration with Eric Alexandrakis? Time will tell but 2016 will be great for sure.


UPDATE – 4:50 PM (GMT)

Sara from CranberriesItalia (yes still her, you should work for CW Sara!) is watching the Irish TV RTE1 and reports the following: “They’re after talking about it on rte1. She briefly spoke to the reporter and said she’s about to release 2 records, one with the Chamber Orchestra and another with a project called Dark.”

Rectification: Sara heard it on RTE1 Radio, not TV.

Source: RTE1 Radio

UPDATE – 5:10 PM (GMT)

JetlagNYC becomes DARK
The Facebook page of JetlagNYC just changed its name into DARK.
This explains the comment of Sara and it’s now obvious that the 1st of the 2 records Dolores is talking about will be the one with JetlagNYC… I mean DARK. The second will be something unexpected with the Chamber Orchestra. She already played with them on the New Year’s Eve concert in Limerick (2013).
So what about The Cranberries album? Mystery…

Source: DARK Facebook

Dolores ordered to pay €6,000 to court poor box for air rage incident

February 24, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

According to Áine Fitzgerald reporter with Limerick Leader and contributor to national (Irish) newspapers:

Limerick rock star Dolores O’Riordan has been ordered to pay €6,000 to court poor box for air rage incident

2016.02.24 AF tweet1

2016.02.24 AF tweet2

2016.02.24 AF tweet3

Thanks to Sara from CranberriesItalia for the tip!

Source: Áine Fitzgerald Twitter

Dolores to be sentenced today (UPDATED 3x)

February 24, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Here’s the first picture of Dolores arriving at Ennis District Court today.

2016.02.24 ennis district court 1

Dolores has almost the same look as the last time she appeared (December 16), just hair a little longer.
Final judgement should be known soon.
Please check back later.


UPDATE – 2:10 PM (GMT)

Dolores has been ordered to pay €6,000 to court poor box for air rage incident.
Thanks to Sara from CranberriesItalia for the tip!

Source: Áine Fitzgerald Twitter

UPDATE – 2:50 PM (GMT)

Another picture of Dolores arriving at Court today.

2016.02.24 ennis district court 2

Source: The Irish Times

UPDATE – 4:30 PM (GMT)

More pictures…

2016.02.24 ennis district court 3

2016.02.24 ennis district court 4

2016.02.24 ennis district court 5

2016.02.24 ennis district court 6

2016.02.24 ennis district court 7

2016.02.24 ennis district court 8

2016.02.24 ennis district court 9

2016.02.24 ennis district court 10

In the Irish press today

December 17, 2015  |  Comments Off on In the Irish press today  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

It seems the medias are still very interested in Dolores. Yesterday a lot of paparazzi were in Ennis, Ireland to catch her and today she’s on the front pages of a lot of Irish newspapers. Here are some of them:

2015.12.17 IDM 2015.12.17 IE 2015.12.17 TH 2015.12.17 IDS 2015.12.17 TIS

Dolores appearing in court today (UPDATED)

December 16, 2015  |  7 Comments  |  by Webmaster  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores has arrived in Ennis to face charges of assault following an alleged air rage incident last year.
Here below are probably the first public pictures of her since the TV show The Bachelorette as She and Olé are entering court in Ennis, Co Clare, Ireland.

2015.12.16 Ennis District Court 1

2015.12.16 Ennis District Court 2

2015.12.16 Ennis District Court 5

Cranberries singer Dolores O'Riordan arrives at Ennis District Court where she has been charged over an incident on a flight from New York. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Wednesday December 16, 2015. See PA story COURTS Cranberries. Photo credit should read: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Cranberries singer Dolores O'Riordan arrives at Ennis District Court where she has been charged over an incident on a flight from New York. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Wednesday December 16, 2015. See PA story COURTS Cranberries. Photo credit should read: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire

2015.12.16 Ennis District Court 6

2015.12.16 Ennis District Court 7

2015.12.16 Ennis District Court 8

16122015 Cranberries Lead Singer Delores O'Riordan arriving at Ennis Court house on Wednesday to face charges in relation to an air rage incident in November 2014. She is accompanied by her mother Eileen. Photograph by Eamon Ward

Photo: Eamon Ward

Dolores was supported for the hearing by her mother Eileen, one of her brothers and Olé Koretsky. She was dressed all in black and wearing black sunglasses on her arrival at the courthouse.

O’Riordan’s solicitor Bill O’Donnell did not contest any of the evidence given to the court and said the marriage break-up put Dolores under huge emotional stress. She was going through a very difficult time having recently separated from her husband of 20 years. She moved to New York City and hadn’t seen her children for two months who live in Canada and was living out of a suitcase in New York City.

The court was told the incident began shortly before landing when O’Riordan’s behaviour became erratic and later as the plane came in to land in Shannon when she got out of her seat and tried to open the overhead luggage bins. The captain called in airport police to meet the plane.

O’Riordan twice tried to flee custody after being arrested at the airport, once from an ambulance and once while in a patrol car. Garda Shane Dawson revealed that the singer managed to free herself of one handcuff and forced open the door of a Garda car while he wrote up his notes on the airport apron. Airport police believed her behaviour was irrational but could not identify an explanation.

Mr O’Donnell said that there was no intention by Dolores to commit the actions on the day and she doesn’t remember what fully occurred. He said that she has no previous convictions, had travelled around the world with her career since she was 18 and never had an incident on a plane before November last year. O’Riordan was suffering hypomania, sleep deprivation and paranoia at the time of the incident.

Dolores admitted four offences including assault and obstructing a Garda. The lawyer said the singer is remorseful and regrets the incident and offered apologies to all those affected.

Judge Patrick Durcan ordered O’Riordan to write letters of apology to all those affected in the incident while he considers sentencing. He said : “It is important that the victims of crime know that the perpetrator apologises for the crime that was committed.”

Judge Patrick Durcan adjourned the case for mention to the January to fix a date for sentence.
The assault charges O’Riordan admitted can result in up to 6 months in jail or a maximum fine of €1850
The case will be mentioned in Ennis District Court on January 20.

O’Riordan left the court grounds in a blacked-out off-road vehicle without commenting.

A lot more details can be found in the Irish Independent, TheJournal and Belfast Telegraph articles.

Sources: UTV, Vinny Broderick, Irish Independent, Limerick Leader, Belfast Telegraph, TheJournal, RTE

“Like A Puppet Show” available tomorrow only !

November 26, 2015  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan


Like A Puppet Show will be available this Friday November 27 only at a store near you.
The multi-artists project is only out for the record store day / Black Friday event and here is a list of North American stores where you can buy it :

Read More

“La Fine” full instrumental demo periscoped by Eric Alexandrakis

October 22, 2015  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Eric Alexandrakis likes to tease his fans like nobody else. He definitely is a master at that and this will probably irritate a lot of people who just missed it. Today he decided to let anyone hear a complete demo version of La Fine on his periscope. As you probably know La Fine is one of the song featuring Dolores O’Riordan. For now Eric only periscoped an instrumental demo so to this day it is impossible to know if Dolores already recorded her vocals or not.
If you don’t know periscope yet it is an unlimited time video app. Users can live broadcast anything they like as long as they want and sometimes videos can be watched again as a replay.
Unfortunately La Fine has no replay.
The video Eric just broadcasted was black screen and we could only hear the audio. The song is approximately 4 minutes long. He broadcasted it twice as some people who missed the first broadcast asked for a repeat. Some of you managed to record it and emailed us the file but for copyright reasons and also to respect Eric and his collaborators work we can not broadcast it here. Sorry for that.
Ask Eric directly again, maybe he will accept another replay. It is worth it!

2015.10.23 La Fine periscoped

Source: Eric Alexandrakis Twitter

“Like A Puppet Show” vinyl featuring Dolores O’ Riordan to be released Nov.27

September 18, 2015  |  12 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Eric Alexandrakis just revealed today via his Twitter and Facebook accounts the release of “Like A Puppet Show”, a brand new project in collaboration with the actor John Malkovich and featuring a lot of artists such as Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon, OMD, Efterklang, Placebo, The Dandy Warhols, Blondie’s Chris Stein, The Cranberries’ Dolores O’ Riordan and more.

cddaefdd It’s a 11-track vinyl and it will be out for the next record store day/Black Friday event on November 27 followed by two more releases to retailers and direct to consumers via the web for the Christmas holidays and “won’t be available on iTunes” said Eric Alexandrakis yesterday on twitter!
Considered by Eric as “Super cool, and never been done before in such a way” the project is offically described as various remixes of John Malkovich reading an interpretation of Plato.
Sounds kinda weird at first!
Concerning Dolores she ‘s done the last track called “Cryopian D (Mixed by Dolores O’Riordan)”. For now it’s probably too early to know exactly what it is but if it’s in the same spirit as the track called “Cryoblue Cheese Ο (Mixed by Ric Ocasek)” that you can listen on the Pitchfork’s page, there are very few chances to hear our favorite rock star singing (or maybe just a little?!) on the “track” or “reading track”, “remix”, “interpretation”, “effort” or whatever it is.

A lot of Dolores fans will/might be disappointed to learn about this project as most were expecting the release of the “Electrons” LP where she is supposed to sing at least on one track. The fault is probably Eric’s who during the past 16 months was quite active on social networks and posted a few teasers that CW always tried to relay and among them, musical excerpts (instrumental only) and a partial visual of the possible LP with Dolores:

These last days things became very serious. On September 14, Eric Alexandrakis posted a message:
“Get ready steady for a cool announcement on 9/17”.

Then the Spanish fansite DO’RSpain asked a question in a very smart way:
“Hmmm… as cool as the weather in Ireland?”

At this point if you follow Eric on the internet you probably know he is a nice guy and most of the time replies to people. So the question got a reply:
“Cooler…with a touch of Ireland”

As this answer exactly matched to that was known of the Electrons project, fans from the 4 corners of the globe quite immediately concluded it would be the announcement of this very LP and thought the release day was close.

On September 17 and a few hours before the supposed announcement Eric was… let’s say playing with fans (some said torturing) posting a countdown:

and even:

To finally reply to fans who were saying Come on Eric it’s time now. It is Sept 17. Please tell us. Etc… :
“We’ve delayed it a day just to keep the torture going:)”

For sure an answer quite familiar to all The Cranberries/Dolores O’Riordan fans!
Then Eric edited his original message on Facebook into:
“Get ready steady for a cool announcement on 9/18”

and continued to reply to questions the whole evening / night assuring it was worth the wait:
“Let’s hear what you all think it entails. You’ll either be elated, or terribly disappointed.”
“It’s super cool, and never been done before in such a way.”

Today, September 18, the wait is over and it is not the Electrons LP. Instead, a John Malkovitch and collaborators project that nobody could have ever imagined. What will be Dolores’ fans reactions, will “Like A Puppet Show” be interesting, good, bad, sucks, anybody will debate about that now and will definitely know on November 27 when the LP is out but one thing is for sure “Never been done before”.

Like a Puppet Show:

01 Cryolife 7:14 A.M. (Mixed by Yoko Ono & Sean Lennon)
02 Cryocarbon 14C (Mixed by OMD)
03 Cryoblue Cheese Ο (Mixed by Ric Ocasek)
04 CryoZolon X (Mixed by Dweezil Zappa)
05 Cryoparoxsym A (Mixed by Young the Giant)
06 Platogenia X And The Caves (Mixed by the Dandy Warhols)
07 Cryostat Ø (Mixed by Efterklang)
08 Cryoplacebo 47/XXY (Mixed by Placebo)
09 Photogenia C (Ruler Of Light) (Mixed by Chris Stein)
10 Optimogenia Z [Edit Mix] (Mixed by Harry Waters)
11 Cryopian D (Mixed by Dolores O’Riordan)

Source: Eric Alexandrakis’ Twitter, Facebook, Pitchfork

New photo-shoot with Dolores from February 2015 by Andrzej Liguz

September 10, 2015  |  3 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Again thanks to Sara from Cranberries Italia who found today a website called More American Dreams with 5 amazing pictures of Dolores taken on February 26, 2015. According to the photographer Andrzej Liguz, a friend of Andy Rourke, the photo-shoot was made in Dolores apartment in Los Angeles close to Marina del Ray/Venice Beach and it was Dolores’ will.

Photographer Andrzej Liguz asked us to remove his pictures for copyright reasons.
So you won’t see those pics anymore here. 🙁
Now click on the above link to see the pics directly on photographer’s website.

Trial over alleged air-rage adjourned as Dolores is receiving medical treatment

September 2, 2015  |  Comments Off on Trial over alleged air-rage adjourned as Dolores is receiving medical treatment  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Again the information come from The Irish Times first. Their article reveals Dolores is receiving medical treatment these days and can’t come to the Court.
The case will be back before Ennis District Court on December 16th for a plea to be entered or a date for a hearing to be set, the court was told.

My client is presently [sic] receiving ongoing medical treatment and presently she’s receiving residential treatment, hence her absence from court”


If the person is having treatment then I think we should facilitate that. Judge Patrick Durcan agreed to the adjournment.

Sources: The Irish Times,, Mirror, Daily Star, Yahoo Celebrity, Tewkesbury admag, Irish Examiner, Herald, Daily Mail, Irish Independent, Belfast Telegraph

Court dispute between Noel and Dolores has ended (UPDATED)

August 30, 2015  |  Comments Off on Court dispute between Noel and Dolores has ended (UPDATED)  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

According to High Court records the dispute between Noel and Dolores has ended and a motion to strike out the case was finalised this august. (apparently it was in July, see update below)

An article published today in the newspaper The Irish Mail just revealed it. The legal action was initiated by Dolores against Noel in 2013 and it has never been clear what the dispute was about and don’t expect to learn more with this short article.
Anyway, that’s good news!!

Thanks to Sara from Cranberries Italia for finding the article

Source: The Irish Mail


A new article published on August 31st in the Limerick Leader gives more details :

 A high court action taken by Ms O’Riordan against band mate and song writing partner Noel Hogan, has been struck out. The high court proceedings were filed in October 2013, with the Cause of Action in the filing listed as a ‘declaration’. A motion to strike out the action was made on July 13 of this year, and was finalised three days later. The matter, which neither Cranberries star has ever publicly commented on, was adjourned nine times this year when it came before the court, before the motions were made to strike it out in July.

Source: Limerick Leader

Dolores summonsed to appear before Ennis Strict Court next Wednesday (UPDATED)

August 29, 2015  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

According to this article Singer Dolores O’Riordan has been summoned to appear before Ennis District Court next week for alleged assault, arising from an incident at Shannon Airport last November. The cases have been listed for the first court of the new legal term for Ennis District Court next Wednesday, September 2nd.

As you probably all know Dolores was born on September 6th, what (almost) a great birthday!!

Source: The Irish Time


According to a new Limerick Leader articleit is understood that Ms O’Riordan […] will be unavailable and the matter is to be adjourned.

Source: Limerick Leader

Dolores not saying anything about her new love revelation

May 28, 2015  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Again, Dolores is in the Irish press today and again it comes from the Irish Mirror with an article entitled “Why Dolores it always rain on me? Singer looks glum on country walk in downpour day after her new love was revealed

Probably tracked by paparazzi because of the revelations of her possible relationship with Olé Koretsky Dolores was photographed walking in the rain yesterday around the family home in Ballybricken. Asked how she felt about her new love interest Dolores answered:

I’m just having a relaxing time at my mum’s house.
I’m not doing any press.
I’m not saying anything.
Thanks love.

And that’s pretty much it. The rest of the article is no particular interest and sometimes pure speculations especially when the article is entitled “Singer looks glum on country walk…” who looks happy when walking alone in a continuous rain and deep in thought!

Dolores O’ Riordan “certainly in love with Olé”

May 27, 2015  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

According to the article entitled “Cranberries singer Dolores O’Riordan bounces back from marriage split with hot young musician” published by the Irish Mirror, “Dolores is certainly very happy and in love with Olé Koretsky“. These words are said by Philip Tobin who recently met Dolores and Olé at “Kites”, a Chinese restaurant in Dublin, Ireland.

Kites Chinese restaurant

Sure this is NO OFFICIAL STATEMENT but if you followed the news about Dolores these past months it is reasonable to say it’s probably true. For sure, it will not sound very surprising to die-hard fans. Many of you already mentioned this possibility in many comments here on CW and as you know Olé Koretsky is currently working with Dolores (as well as Andy Rourke) in a new musical project called JetlagNYC. He also was spotted with her in different locations such as New York City, Los Angeles, Limerick and others… and some location can be considered very private.

Anyway this news must be taken very carefully, for example “They were singing some of their new stuff in the restaurant – it sounds amazing”. Even if possible it’s quite surprising… or Philip Tobin possibly did not recognize some old or cover songs but if he is right what a night and what a lucky man he is!

Olé, Philip Tobin and Dolores near “Kites”

Dolores spotted by fans on social networks. Recap!

May 21, 2015  |  Comments Off on Dolores spotted by fans on social networks. Recap!  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Here is a little recap of the photos/selfies with Dolores made by fans in the past months. Those pics are usually reTweeted/reFacebooked on CW’s Twitter and Facebook accounts and do not appear all the time on the website here at the very minute. This post is to repair the fault as some of you don’t use social networks while others may simply have missed a photo.

As you probably all know, news about Dolores (and The Cranberries) have always been quite rare so thanks to those bloody socials, now fans have a better idea about the recent locations and activities of their favorite stars more easily than in the past.

And a big thank you to all the people/fans who shared their precious moments to the world.

10 Oct. 2014 – Dolores and Andy with a restaurant employee – “Cork ‘n Fork”, NYC
Credit: Justin – Instagram (@itshowtimee)

15 Oct. 2014 – Dolores, Andy and musician BOSCO – “The Fourth”, NYC
Credit: BOSCO – Twitter (@helloBOSCO)

17 Oct. 2014 – Dolores possibly partying for Halloween (in advance!) – Chambers Street, NYC
Credit: Instagram (@huydtruong)

27 Oct. 2014 – New York City
Credit: Dmitry Kuprin – Instagram (@dolphin1414)

21 Nov. 2014 – Dolores and Olé – Medieval Banquet, Bunratty Castle Co. Clare, Ireland
Credit: James Lee Swenson – Twitter (@1ufdaKind)

15 Dec. 2014 – Dolores and Andy – The International Bar, Dublin
Credit: Phil McAndrew – Twitter (@Phil_McAndrew)

24?/25? Dec. 2014 – Dolores – New York City
Credit: Instagram (@thevixes) + Instagram (@flexinsession)

28 Dec. 2014 – Dolores – “MSC Customs” bike store, NYC
Credit: MSC Customs – Instagram (@msccustoms_nyc)

7 Jan. 2015 – Dolores and Andy – NYC
Credit: Jetlag NYC – Twitter (@JetlagNYC)

14 Jan. 2015 – Dolores – “Elevate Restaurant & Lounge”, Wyndham Garden Chinatown, NYC
Credit: Elevate Restaurant & Lounge – Instagram (@elevate_restaurant) + Facebook (@elevate93)

23 Jan. 2015 – Dolores and Andy – Eastroom, Chicago
Credit: unknown (let us know if you know!)

4 Feb. 2015 – Dolores – Venice Beach, Los Angeles
Credit: Instagram (@slammingdabs)

3 Apr. 2015 – Dolores – Trader Vic’s, London
Credit: Simone Ottantatre – Facebook

7 May 2015 – Dolores – Treyvaud’s, Killarney, Ireland
Credit: Treyvaud’s – Facebook (@TreyvaudsRestaurant)

14 May 2015 – Dolores – Limerick, Ireland
Credit: Instagram (@fragaleviviana)

Dolores spotted at Treyvaud’s Restaurant in Killarney

May 7, 2015  |  Comments Off on Dolores spotted at Treyvaud’s Restaurant in Killarney  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

Dolores was spotted today at Treyvaud’s Restaurant, 62 High Street, in Killarney, Ireland. Is this a coincidence? BWWTV was mentioning yesterday that the Bachelorette dates would attend a private Cranberries concert and then move on to Killarney. Looks very much like the private concert took place/is taking place these days.

As a matter of fact, the restaurant owner first posted a simple message on Facebook

…and about an hour later, still on Facebook, posted a photo with Dolores and the message “Hanging with Dolores!!

Angelo Badalamenti: “Dolores and I are working on her album”

April 15, 2015  |  5 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Thanks to Sara from Cranberries Italia for searching the web and finding this interview of the composer Angelo Badalamenti published on
It’s a long interview about David Lynch, movies, Angelo’s musical career and other things.

Concerning Dolores there’s only one line but what a line:

Dolores O’Riordan from The Cranberries and I are working on her album;
she’s a wonderful lyricist with an edge to her voice.


Angelo Badalamenti – Photo: Spirit and Flesh

More information about O’Riordan/Alexandrakis collaboration

March 12, 2015  |  5 Comments  |  by Jury  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Composer/producer Eric Alexandrakis continues to tease Dolores’ fans with new exciting bits of information about their collaboration. And it seems like this collaboration has an official title now:
“Electrons featuring Dolores O’Riordan”
Electrons is the name of Alexandrakis’ project which includes different musicians from bands like Duran Duran, The Cure, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and others.

A few weeks ago we reported about the new song “You Got What You Wanted”. Today there’s more information about this track:
The song is written and recorded by Eric Alexandrakis, Perry Bamonte (The Cure; lead guitar?), Steve Ferrone (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers; drums), Dolores O’ Riordan (The Cranberries; vocal) and Andy Rourke (The Smiths; bass guitar).
As you can see, Andy Rourke from Dolores’ new band, Jetlag NYC, has joined the Electrons, too. The lyrics for “You Got What You Wanted” were written by Dolores O’Riordan and, according to the title, it may refer to the recent events in her life.

Yesterday Eric Alexandrakis has posted a new exciting photo on Facebook with the comment “Betcha wish you had one of these.

Probably just a vinyl made to one copy or maybe just a photoshop montage of a record that does not really exist yet and we can only ponder how many songs the A-Side and B-Side of this vinyl have.

And there’s a clue as one of our readers, Mimi, posted a few days ago the following information regarding Dolores’ work with Electrons:

“They have quite a few tracks together:
“Robophobic Redemption” (by far the most amazing sounding thing Dolores has ever been on)
“Purple Heart Redemption” (very clubby)
“Trust” (a.k.a. “La Fine”)
“You Got What You Wanted” (haven’t heard it yet)
and more coming from what I hear.

So… are we gonna have an ALBUM full of Dolores’ songs with Electrons?
Time will tell, or let’s just wait another hint from Mr. Alexandrakis 😉

Dolores O’ Riordan new live DVD (bootleg!) recorded in Basel at AVO Sessions

February 23, 2015  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’ Riordan new live DVD (bootleg!) recorded in Basel at AVO Sessions  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Danila Aranha shared a couple of days ago on the Facebook page of The Cranberries Brasil a very interesting photo of a new Dolores O’ Riordan bootleg DVD sold officially in store in Salvador by the shop Livraria Cultura.

AVO Session – bootleg DVD

Recorded in Basel, Switzerland on november 15, 2007 during the second European leg of the “Are You Listening Tour”, this show is very familiar to the fans as back in the days it was broadcast on TV in Switzerland and was immediately uploaded on YouTube and still can be easily watched these days on the internet.

Even if the picture of Danila totally makes illusion, this DVD is surely a bootleg item as there are very few chances that, almost 8 years after the performance without any official release, this shop in Salvador has the legal rights to sell it. So pay attention and know what you’re buying if you plan to order it. This dvd probably is reserved to die-hard fans and collectors and not addressed to the general public as production quality may be… uncertain!

DVD is NTSC, possibly factory pressed and not cheap homemade DVD-R.
As it probably should not have ended in that kind of store where people automatically think there are only official products on sale, its selling lifetime can be very limited so if you are a real collector make it fast before it becomes unavailable!

“You Got What You Wanted” by O’Riordan/Alexandrakis & More

February 23, 2015  |  9 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The musician/composer Eric Alexandrakis posted on Instagram today a photo in studio with a quite interesting comment:

Quite the busy week…
Steve did his bits for a new Electrons song called “You Got What You Wanted”, featuring Dolores O’Riordan on vocals.

No more explanations for now. This is possibly a second song featuring Dolores unless it is the one called La Fine” with a new title… Time will tell

Steve and Eric Alexandrakis

Dolores spotted on Venice Beach today

February 4, 2015  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

2 new photos of Dolores taken on Venice Beach in Los Angeles, USA appeared on Instagram today. Thanks to user slammingdabs for sharing these gems.
No idea if temperatures are warm in L.A. these days but it sure looks like it is summertime in February!

Photo 1 (link no longer available)
Photo 2 (link no longer available)

Barry Egan reveals that Dolores O’ Riordan has moved to NYC

January 12, 2015  |  2 Comments  |  by Webmaster  |  Dolores O'Riordan

In a new article entitled “Dolores makes a transfer to Manhattan” published on, we learn that Dolores “is in the middle of putting down roots by buying a new home in the city that never sleeps” as she’s looking for an apartment in New York City, East Village.

I love New York […] I guess I was captive for so long. So I love it here. The people are so nice in New York. I have tons of fans here and they’re polite and discreet.
I spent Christmas here in New York with Andy, his wife and Ole. It was nice and quiet. New Year’s Eve is mad here but really cool. It’s so nice to be alive.

Dolores O’ Riordan pictured during the interview with Barry Egan


And as often when Dolores is in NYC, photos are flooding social medias as you can see with this new one posted today on Instagram by Elevate Restaurant & Lounge, a restaurant located in Chinatown.

Dolores at Elevate Restaurant & Lounge, NYC

Sweet picture from NYC

January 7, 2015  |  Comments Off on Sweet picture from NYC  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

A sweet picture of Andy and Dolores was posted a few minutes ago on JetlagNYC’s Twitter without any comments. It was taken in NYC, possibly today, this evening and it’s warming hearts up.

Andy and Dolores in New York City tonight

Dolores O’ Riordan spending Christmas in NYC

December 29, 2014  |  2 Comments  |  by Webmaster  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Social medias reveal one more time that Dolores O’ Riordan is back in NYC for Christmas where she probably flew with her band co-members Andy Rourke & Olé Koretsky (JetlagNYC).

On Dec 26th, a fan posted a photo with her on Instagram which you can see below.
(direct Instagram link no longer available)

Dolores and a fan – Xmas day

And yesterday, another new photo of Dolores was posted (still on Instagram) by user msccustoms_nyc.
“MSC Customs” is a bike store located in Little Italy, NYC and their photo shows the singer in front of the store with her latest “MSC” acquisition.

Dolores O’Riordan from @thecranberries instantly fell in love with our store and this teal bike!

New Barry Egan article: Dolores banishing the darkness

December 21, 2014  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Barely a month after Barry Egan last article “Our Lady of Sorrows”, we’re waking up this morning with a fresh new article entitled “Dolores banishes the darkness and returns to the light” published online and in print in the newspaper “Sunday Independent”.

Barry Egan appears to be relieved to see his long-time friend Dolores O’ Riordan finally taking the road to recovery. Indeed, after admitting that he thought “Dolores wouldn’t make it out of the darkness she seemed so engulfed in last November when she was arrested on an Aer Lingus plane” especially as she had told him she was “not going to live that long. I’m 43. If I see 50, I’ll be happy. I mean that. People look at you and see a product. They don’t see a soul, but an empty hole” Barry Egan seems to be much more relaxed after meeting the singer last Tuesday.

From what he relates, Dolores seems to have taken comfort from her family and her new friends, co-band members Ole Koretsky & Andy Rourke (JetlagNYC) who have travelled from NYC to Dublin to spend the week with her.
She tells Barry:

I am just really grateful for the support I have received from my friends, […] I am well again now. I have had great help and support from people who love me. My mom has been great. My brother PJ – he’s my little angel. I had a lot of help from people. I don’t think I ever felt so cared for before. I always felt like this meal ticket.

“[…]no matter what happens I’ve got great friends who love me for me, not the fame bullshit. You really see who gives a shit. It’s cool but I’m still a bit crazy . ..good crazy though!

She admits nonetheless that she is not “100% better” than what she was following the Aer Lingus incident, but affirms she’s working on it, making huge efforts to heal herself, taking meds and trying to be “somewhat normal in a mad world“.

Spending Christmas far from her children who she “[misses] more than words can say right now” should be the next challenge for her.

Again, we can only hope that Dolores will find the love she needs and will manage to step forward on the road of recovery.

Dolores with her new bandmates, DJ Olé (left) and Andy Rourke (right) – Photo: David Conachy

Possible short clip of “La Fine” a new song by O’Riordan/Alexandrakis (UPDATED 3x)

December 17, 2014  |  2 Comments  |  by Jury  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Composer, songwriter and producer Eric Alexandrakis who collaborated with Dolores few months ago has posted on Facebook a short clip of him playing guitar intro to some mysterious song.

Some of you may have read about this tune in the Irish press.

Posted by Eric Alexandrakis on Samstag, 13. Dezember 2014

Some of you may have read about this tune in the Irish press” wrote Eric

Attentive CranFans may remember that Irish press indeed reported about “La Fine” a new song recorded by Dolores and Eric. So this short clip could be a little piece of guitar part of “La Fine” (or not)… we just have to wait and see.


One of Eric’s Facebook friends wrote this: “It is! I’m one of Eric’s friends and can attest that it’s La Fine. It’s an amazing track, edgy, dark, killer. Perry Bamonte from The Cure is playing lead guitar, Steve Ferrone of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers is playing drums, bass player Mark Egan on bass and Eric on everything else!


The forementioned message by Eric’s friend on Facebook was later deleted so we guess this information was a little bit too confidential.


CONFIRMED, this is “La Fine”
In the comments on Eric Alexandrakis’ Facebook people kept asking if the video was “La Fine” and Eric replied: “I guess the cat’s out of the bag… yes… this is the tune”

Comments regarding Eric Alexandrakis’ video


Dolores 3rd solo album: 6 tracks done with Marco Mendoza so far

December 5, 2014  |  Comments Off on Dolores 3rd solo album: 6 tracks done with Marco Mendoza so far  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

2 days ago the webzine 100% rock magazine published the complete interview Marco Mendoza gave in november and that first appeared in edited form in X-Press Magazine’s December 2 issue. X-Press Magazine is one of the most-circulated free street presses in Australia.

On the edited version the few words about Dolores were skipped (possibly because Marco was coming to Australia to play concerts with his band The Dead Daisies which has nothing to do with Dolores) but on the long & online version his words concerning Dolores O’ Riordan are revealed. Nothing really new that we didn’t know before but one thing: 6 tracks done in studio so far and more to come after his Australian concerts. Obviously this was before Dolores was arrested, now it will/should be after after!

Dolores O’Riordan from The Cranberries called me from New York, and so I flew up there. We were at the Electric Lady studios recording, we did six tracks.

I got home, and I’m going to continue that after I’m done with The Daisies, she’s trying to get an album together for a solo project. This’ll be my third album with her.

“Our Lady Of Sorrows”: New article by Barry Egan

November 19, 2014  |  11 Comments  |  by Webmaster  |  Dolores O'Riordan

From the numerous articles published recently in the Irish press, one stands out, that of Dolores’ long time friend, the Irish Independent journalist Barry Egan, who decided to relate “the turbulent – and very sad – story of Dolores O’ Riordan.”
Indeed, following the incident which took place a week ago aboard the EI110 flight from NYC to Shannon, tabloids had a tremendous time commenting on the “mighty fall from grace” of Dolores O’ Riordan, making fun of the “pious [now] caught in sin” and emphasizing that the singer was spending time in a “posh hotel” ( after she left the police cell. How tough for fans and all those who love Dolores to read this.

Thankfully, M. Egan felt the need to set the context so as to urge readers to remain compassionate. As a matter of fact, in his article, he recalls his fellows of Dolores torment from the past, going back over the sexual abuse she suffered for four years as child and explaining how this episode led her to “anorexia, nervous breakdowns, and suicidal thoughts over the years”.

We would thus like to encourage everyone to pay attention to Barry’s heartbreaking article, and follow his advice: don’t judge Dolores O’ Riordan too hastily. “Our” lady of Sorrows needs love and support more than ever, and being in the media spotlight will definitely not help her to accept and follow the road of recovery.

Again, we continue to send our best wishes to Dolores, her family and her friends during this difficult time, hoping she’ll finally get the helps she needs to achieve some closure.

You can read the full Barry Egan article by clicking HERE
It’s entitled “Our Lady Of Sorrows – Dolores O’Riordan


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)