Concert in Lublin, Poland confirmed as first gig of the tour

February 16, 2016  |  10 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

According to a Polish webzine, Rock Magazyn, the band will start the 2016 European tour in Lublin, Poland.

As opposed to the dates that have already been announced yet, this one will not be a festival performance. The band will indeed play in a stadium (Lublin Arena) on June 3rd.

We’ll update this post as soon as we find an official confirmation for this.

UPDATE 2:00 PM (GMT+1)

This piece of news appears to be widely shared by different Polish websites such as and, which tends to confirm that this is definitely official.

UPDATE 2:20 PM (GMT+1)

Polish fan Milosz B. sent us a link towards official Lublin Arena website, that comes as a final confirmation for this performance.

Thanks a lot to all of you, guys, who help us gathering information!


Now confirmed by Noel Hogan on his Tumblr account.

New dates on 2016 Summer tour…

February 12, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

For those who follow us on Facebook, we posted a link towards a Polish article yesterday about a possible date in Lublin. A Polish fan, Krzysztof S. informed us that this is only a rumor at this stage.

However, Italian fan Sara L. found out a ticket link this morning showing that the band is to play festival Cognac Blues Passion in France on July 7, 2016.
This is confirmed on the festival website.

2016.02.12 cognac screencap
Let’s note the band was to play this festival the exact same day on July 7, 2012, though the band cancelled their whole summer shows, including this date.

To be continued…

Source: Festival Cognac Blues Passions

One-day tickets are now on sale directly on Festival’s website for €50 (€10 if you are under 12)
Source: La billeterie Leclerc

The Cranberries touring Europe this summer 2016… and to release a new album?

February 8, 2016  |  6 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

As you all know, The Cranberries are to announce something big today.
Indeed, Noel Hogan posted on his Twitter account on February 4th that they would share some news this Monday. The official website was also updated in January with a “news coming soon” message as previously mentioned on our website.

Although no official statement has been made yet, we can nonetheless expect the band to tour Europe this summer as Swiss festival Festi’Neuch just announced its line up this morning, featuring The Cranberries who are to play there on Thursday June 9th.

More news coming up during the day, keep checking our website!

Source: Festi’Neuch

UPDATE at 11:30AM (GMT)

Festi’Neuch festival is mentioning a new album this year on this page:

Ils reviennent au centre de l’actualité avec un nouvel album prévu pour cette année et cela ne peut que réserver de bonnes surprises!


Translation : They’re back in the spotlight with a new album to be released this year, good news in store!

UPDATE at 12:34PM (GMT)

Festi’Neuch date confirmed by Noel Hogan on Twitter, no word on the new album from him yet!

UPDATE at 12:50PM (GMT)

Still on Twitter Noel Hogan confirmed the European tour stating that Festi’Neuch will be part of “a few shows planned for this summer“.

UPDATE at 2:50PM (GMT)

Tickets for the festival are on sale here directly on Festi’Neuch website. You can purchase one-day-ticket for CHF64 or 4-day-pass for CHF189
(Today CHF64 = US$64 = €58 and CHF189 = US$189 = €171)

UPDATE at 3:20PM (GMT)

Now confirmed on the official Facebook of The Cranberries, still nothing on the official website still displaying “News coming soon”

UPDATE at 5:00PM (GMT)

The Limerick Leader published a great article that sums things up pretty well, reminding readers of the new publishing partnership with Warner/Chappell Music UK that Noel & Dolores signed in April 2015, and quoting the interview the band gave to “Coffee with a sign painter” last July.

Sweet picture from NYC

January 7, 2015  |  Comments Off on Sweet picture from NYC  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

A sweet picture of Andy and Dolores was posted a few minutes ago on JetlagNYC’s Twitter without any comments. It was taken in NYC, possibly today, this evening and it’s warming hearts up.

Andy and Dolores in New York City tonight

New Barry Egan article: Dolores banishing the darkness

December 21, 2014  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Barely a month after Barry Egan last article “Our Lady of Sorrows”, we’re waking up this morning with a fresh new article entitled “Dolores banishes the darkness and returns to the light” published online and in print in the newspaper “Sunday Independent”.

Barry Egan appears to be relieved to see his long-time friend Dolores O’ Riordan finally taking the road to recovery. Indeed, after admitting that he thought “Dolores wouldn’t make it out of the darkness she seemed so engulfed in last November when she was arrested on an Aer Lingus plane” especially as she had told him she was “not going to live that long. I’m 43. If I see 50, I’ll be happy. I mean that. People look at you and see a product. They don’t see a soul, but an empty hole” Barry Egan seems to be much more relaxed after meeting the singer last Tuesday.

From what he relates, Dolores seems to have taken comfort from her family and her new friends, co-band members Ole Koretsky & Andy Rourke (JetlagNYC) who have travelled from NYC to Dublin to spend the week with her.
She tells Barry:

I am just really grateful for the support I have received from my friends, […] I am well again now. I have had great help and support from people who love me. My mom has been great. My brother PJ – he’s my little angel. I had a lot of help from people. I don’t think I ever felt so cared for before. I always felt like this meal ticket.

“[…]no matter what happens I’ve got great friends who love me for me, not the fame bullshit. You really see who gives a shit. It’s cool but I’m still a bit crazy . ..good crazy though!

She admits nonetheless that she is not “100% better” than what she was following the Aer Lingus incident, but affirms she’s working on it, making huge efforts to heal herself, taking meds and trying to be “somewhat normal in a mad world“.

Spending Christmas far from her children who she “[misses] more than words can say right now” should be the next challenge for her.

Again, we can only hope that Dolores will find the love she needs and will manage to step forward on the road of recovery.

Dolores with her new bandmates, DJ Olé (left) and Andy Rourke (right) – Photo: David Conachy

Dolores O’ Riordan placed under arrest in Shannon, Ireland (UPDATED)

November 10, 2014  |  10 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Quite an unexpected news this morning as we’re learning that Dolores has just been arrested by the garda following an “alleged air rage incident” on a flight from NYC to Shannon, Ireland.

The article entitled “Cranberries’ Dolores O’Riordan released into custody of mother after alleged air rage incident in which ‘garda was headbutted and air steward injured’” published by describes the incident, explaining that Dolores refused to seat as the flight was landing and stamped on an attendant’s foot.
She then headbutted a garda before spitting in his face at the airport.

We shall probably wait for more information before we get to comment on this surprising event.
Let’s mainly hope our favorite singer is fine and not enduring tough times as it looked like she was lately…


The Independent’s article was updated with more details on the situation.
It seems Dolores has been released from garda custody and has now been hospitalized.
Journalists are awaiting comments from O’Riordan’s representatives…

More medias are now reporting about the incident and it’s only the beginning:
Limerick Post
The Irish Times
RTE News

Dolores O’ Riordan & Marco Mendoza in studio (UPDATED 2x)

November 8, 2014  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Andy Rourke may not play bass on Dolores’ upcoming album as Marco Mendoza seems to be back in the game. You might remember that he had started working with Dolores back in October 2013 on new tracks, which he said would not necessarily end up on a third solo album.

This time we trust this project is beginning to materialize as Dolores has been working in NYC for more than a month now. Mendoza mentioned on Facebook on Nov.4 that he was flying back from Miami (where his band The Dead Daisies was opening for KISS ) to NYC so as to join Dolores in studio.

KISS CRUISE !!! what a great time ………… Just got back to MIAMI > on my way to N Y city to work with DOLORES O”RIORDAN ………… stay in touch and updated at : and …. Australia !! see ya soon.

and confirmed the information the day after, still on Facebook, even adding the name of the studio: “Electric Lady”

Great Music !!!!! and thedeaddaisies for up dates and
more info ……….. see ya out there soon !!!

And today Katarina Benzova, who’s none other than Guns N’ Roses photographer as reported last week, posted on Tumblr a great new photo of the guys at Electric Lady Studios.
This is all getting quite exciting, isn’t it?

Ole Koretsky from Jetlag, Dolores O’ Riordan, Marco Mendoza


One more photo added today still on Katarina Benzova’s Tumblr:


3 more photos by Katarina Benzova published on social medias:

Dolores O’ Riordan emerges from shadow in NYC

October 17, 2014  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’ Riordan emerges from shadow in NYC  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

As you may have noticed these last days, Dolores O’ Riordan seems to be living quite an active life in New York City where she’s currently working with Andy Rourke from The Smiths.
The singer was spotted a couple of times partying in some bars and, thanks to social medias, photos capturing these moments ended up on the Internet, enabling us to get some news of our idol.

Today, news are no longer coming from ordinary people anymore but from Dolores herself!
Although she’s not too much into anything Internet-related, she made an exception and posted on Facebook the following message which also includes a great new photo:

Click on the photo if me and u will see me again…I’m HERE…I’M REALLY HERE!!!
I love you all Soooo much and cannot wait to feel your lovin’ vibrations and your sweet salvations….
This is the most Supergroup I’ve ever met living people in peace and harmony…love us in dis place…
Erase human disgrace…hostility is bad and Human greed is sad…
People must accept each other for what we are…no changin’ no rearrangin’,no pushing no shovin,just sweet harmonies…
Beautiful people everywhere !!!!
Enjoy your life…lighten up….always laugh sometimes cry ….
Love DoloresO Riordan…October 2014…..

This heartwarming message comes as confirmation that Dolores seems to have met, with Rourke, a bunch of people who makes her feel particularly alive and at peace.
The Supergroup Dolores mentions (Jetlag) is that of Andy Rourke and Olé Koretsky, a record producer who has turned into a DJ on a radio called East Village Radio.
The duo claims their music is disco, post punk and adult contemporary. You can give it a try by visiting JetlagNYC’s Soundcloud.

The duo has officially added Dolores to their line-up by mentioning her as a band member on Twitter, saying Jetlag (@JetlagNYC) sounds like @AndyRourke64 + @doubleOle + @DolORiordan

Also to note, the photo posted yesterday (Oct.16) by JetlagNYC on their Facebook tends to show that they are in perfect harmony with Dolores and vice versa.

Olé, Andy, Dolores – Photo: JetlagNYC’s Facebook (Oct.16, 2014)

We can only be pleased to see that Dolores is feeling at ease with their way of life, as if she had found herself again which, once more, makes us believe that the upcoming album should be very interesting, possibly darker than “No Baggage” and as alternative and deep as “Are You Listening?”

With all our love to the beautiful person she is, hoping that she follows her own advices (“enjoy your life… lighten up”).

A rock star in New York City, new episode…

October 17, 2014  |  2 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Surprising photos of Dolores in New York keep on popping up on the Internet and this new one shows once again that she is having a good time out there. One may imagine that she has started partying for Halloween (?) According to Instagram user huydtruong, Dolores is perfectly fine:

Found #DoloresORiordan, lead singer of @thecranberries lost in NY.
She wants her fans to know she’s alright and you don’t have to let it linger.

Dolores and Instagram user huydtruong in the streets of New York City

Let’s also note that another Instagram user (scully_le) has had her Cranberries vinyls signed by Dolores on September 13th thanks to one of her acquaintance who “is drumming on her new album”, which means that Dolores was thus recording in studio in Toronto a couple of weeks ago and that she is not working on this album with Graham Hopkins, her drummer in 2007. Seems like we shouldnt have to wait too much longer before we get to hear some new pieces.

More on O’Riordan/Rourke collaboration

October 15, 2014  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

In the Spring of 2014, Dolores told journalist Nicky Byrne from RTÉ 2fm that she had already written some new stuff for her upcoming album and would collaborate with The Smith’s Andy Rourke.

The work is probably in progress as Instagram user itshowtimee posted a few days ago (Oct.10) a photo of the 2 rock stars together at “Cork ‘n Fork”, a tapas & wine bar/restaurant located in New York City. The guy is an employee from the bar and also added in the comments that Dolores and Andy had already visited the place twice last week and had planned to return.

Dolores, Andy and Instagram user itshowtimee – “Cork ‘n Fork” restaurant (Oct.10)

Let’s note that this collaboration with Andy Rourke seems more likely to feature on her third solo album than her project with Eric Alexandrakis which looks more like a “side project collaboration”, but who knows what the future holds?


It seems the duo is having fun in New York City.
First Dolores made a “big entrance” at The Fourth as reported on

Secondly, a new photo posted a couple of hours ago on Twitter by musician BOSCO is now showing Dolores kissing Mr Rourke after drinking some “vino”. Looks like these two are getting along pretty well!

BOSCO, Dolores and Andy – Oct.15

Vino with my idols.
Great meeting Delores from The Cranberries and Andy from The Smiths tonight

Now official: Dolores will not be a judge on VOI’s new series

October 3, 2014  |  Comments Off on Now official: Dolores will not be a judge on VOI’s new series  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Voice of Ireland

Rumors were true it’s now official. It has just been announced in an article entitled “Una Foden will take a red chair as new judge on the Voice of Ireland” published by that Dolores O’ Riordan will definitely not seat in the red chair this year as Una Foden, from the band The Saturdays, will be the third coach on new series of the TV show “The Voice of Ireland”. As we know, Dolores was not willing to return to the show as commuting from Canada to Ireland was very tiring.

The singer is also supposed to be releasing a third solo album at this end of this year/beginning of 2015 and should then be going on tour to promote her news songs which should not allow her enough time to dedicate to “The Voice of Ireland”.

Let’s note Jamelia should not return either due to expensive commute from London every week. Her replacement has not been announced yet.

A small message from Dolores

August 26, 2014  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

As mentioned yesterday, Dolores is joining Eric Alexandrakis today to record a track called “La Fine”. Much to our delight, the songwriter producer just posted a message from Dolores on his Facebook:

A message from a friendly voice: “Great to be working with Eric, chillaxing in the forest. Always good times with the bears…because the bears don’t care…look at you now…don’t fade away. Love, Dolores”

Although it is great to learn she’s enjoying the collaboration and we’re quite happy that she delivered a message to Alexandrakis for the fans to read (she, who usually doesn’t give much news while in studios as she’s not too much into the internet tools), we can’t help but notice that she still sounds haunted by her old demons, alluding to people’s judgement, and the disappointment of being let down.

Let’s hope songwriting, as well as this break post The Voice will help her achieve some closure.

More on O’Riordan collaboration with Eric Alexandrakis

August 12, 2014  |  Comments Off on More on O’Riordan collaboration with Eric Alexandrakis  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

As you might remember, Eric Alexandrakis recently stated that Dolores was involved in three music projects with him. Although it seems unlikely that these tracks will be included on Dolores’ third solo album, we’re learning a little more every week about these projects. Indeed, American record producer and musician Anthony J. Resta tweeted the following yesterday:

It is to be noted that ELECTRONS is one of Eric Alexandrakis’ projects along with Warren Cuccurullo, Steve Ferrone, Roger O’Donnell and Anthony J. Resta.
This could be one of the reasons why Dolores travelled several times to L.A. while recording “The Voice of Ireland” at the beggining of the year as this is were the Encore Studios are located.

Sinéad O’Connor to take over Dolores on “The Voice”

July 22, 2014  |  Comments Off on Sinéad O’Connor to take over Dolores on “The Voice”  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

As mentioned in most of the main Irish newspapers last week, a source close to Dolores announced that she should not take part to the RTÉ talent contest next year.

Although she was “credited with breathing a fresh lease of life into the show” and said several times that she enjoyed the experience, it seems the lengthy journey back and forth from Canada was a too hard to endure every week.

Let us remind you that the singer is also expected to release a third solo album this winter and probably tour in 2015.

Producers are now casting to find a new judge to replace Dolores, discussing with UK-based stars such as Una Healy or Pixie Lott, though a new name poped up yesterday in the Sunday World as Kathryn Thomas – host of The Voice of Ireland – told journalists that, according to her, “Sinéad O’Connor would be a great replacement for Dolores“.

As a consequence, The Independent announced this morning that O’Connor “should take over as coach on The Voice of Ireland if Dolores departs as expected“.
Quite a surprising statement as it’s hard to picture “the other Irish singer” doing such a TV show… but who knows!

Let’s still note that Sinéad O’Connor was rumored several times to seat in the red chair in the past years, which never turned out to happen.

Seems that it’s time for Dolores to take a break from The Voice…

April 29, 2014  |  Comments Off on Seems that it’s time for Dolores to take a break from The Voice…  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

A new interview entitled “Dolores O’Riordan: I’ve no regrets about The Voice, but I NEED a break” was published today on showing that Dolores did overall enjoy her experience on the TV show but is quite happy that it is now reaching an end

She reveals that it was all about doing something different to have a good laugh – which got her closer to Kian Egan with whom she should stay in touch – but in no way to make money nor to promote herself to a new, younger, audience.

She told the Sundayworlds that Kian Egan “is just as bonkers as me and we have the craic. I don’t have the same relationship with Jamelia and Bressie. They would be more stiff than us […] I think I will stay in touch with him but probably not with the other two.

The journalist then explains that Dolores has actually been spending most of the money she received from the production company to commute back and forth between Dublin and her home in rural Ontario. A weekly schedule which she admits was exhausting, hence the fact she was in a hurry “to fly home after the final and not have to worry about saying goodbye to my family within a day or two“.

This article also comes as a confirmation that Dolores was not willing to perform at any time on the set of The Voice: “And, no, I will not be performing at the final. I just don’t want to. I’m not there to sing. I’m there to coach“.

She even confesses that she did not like the idea of having her contestants singing some her songs too much: “One of the girls at one point wanted to sing one of The Cranberries songs but it didn’t work so we dropped it. I don’t really care if they want to do it. But if they are doing to do it, they’ll do it right” she said, laughing.

The article also contains a few anecdotes which we advise you to read…

Dolores: new interview on music industry & The Voice

April 27, 2014  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Voice of Ireland

Seems like Dolores doesn’t choose any journalist to speak about her old demons: Barry Egan just published a new exclusive interview this morning in the “Sunday Independent” (in print and online) entitled “You get to the point where you want to die just to get peace” in which the Limerick woman and her mother Eileen discuss about the music business pressure the singer had to handle in her career back in the 90s.

It’s one of the first interview of this kind, with Eileen explaining how worried she was for a daughter back then: “I was very worried about her. She was unable to tell me or explain or communicate very well” adding that she once told a prominent music business executive “if anything happens to her, I will kill you.

Dolores then explains: “You get to the point where you want to die [… ] because you think that you’ll get peace when you’re dead and you can’t get any worse than you are”, thus shedding a light on the troubles she went through during the “To The Faithful Departed” era.

Once she concludes “I realise now that life isn’t about money, fame. Actually, all that crap. It’s simply love that’s important“, Dolores then talks about her experience on The Voice of Ireland, again mentioning how Jamelia and her are just the opposite, Jamelia using “sexuality to be heard or to be seen or to get attention” whereas, as a feminist, Dolores feels like they should go against “misogynistic elements” that exist “in the pop industry internationally as well as sexual inequality in Ireland“.

Dolores with her mother Eileen in Bruff, Co. Limerick – Photos: Kyran O’Brien

About “The Final” on TV tonight, Dolores says that she will be surprised if her candidate, Kellie Lewis, doesn’t win. She describes her as “as a kind of a suffragette kind of a woman. She is a feminist. She doesn’t have her boobs hanging out. I love her for that. She has self-esteem and respect. That is good for women.

So good luck to Kellie for this final step!

The Voice experience will be all over tomorrow and Dolores has already booked her flight to Canada on Monday morning…

Last but not least, as a web extra The Independent published a 7+ min. video of the interview. How great!

Dolores and her mother Eileen interviewed by Barry Egan – Web extra video!

“The Voice of Ireland” – Episode #6

February 10, 2014  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

Tonight was the sixth and very last session of The Voice of Ireland’s Blind Auditions.
For this final round, coaches were expected to complete their team with at least 10 artists to go to the next stage.

With 9 candidates, one could thus think that Dolores wouldn’t hit the button much tonight, which is not what happened as coaches are actually allowed to go up to 12 artists if they want to. Hence the fact that our “talent magnet” fought twice during this show and managed to add 2 candidates to her team.

Peter Whitford was the first talent to get through this round with Dolores.
He actually managed to have all four coaches in a spin by revisiting the Spice Girls’ song “Viva Forever”. Coaches unanimously acclaimed Peter, which, as Bressie mentioned, doesn’t happen too often but was indeed well deserved here, as shown by the standing ovation Kian gave him. They accurately described his performance as unusual due to his rich tone and the uniqueness of his voice.
While Jamelia advised Peter to “maintain his own artistic integrity and make every song his own” as he had just done during the audition, Kian went as far as stating that he was “the best artist on the show this year“.
From her part, Dolores compared the uniqueness of Peter to that of David Bowie (!!!), explaining that his voice was as characteristic of his own alternative sound as he was reminding her ultimately of himself, which is a “massive potential to do something on a global scale“.
Like Jamelia, we thus hope we’ll see Peter go very far into the competition and are VERY happy of his coach choice. Very warm welcome to you, Peter. #TeamDolores

Peter Whitford – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

With a very different genre, Anna O’ Hanlon also seduced Dolores tonight with her lovely cover of “Cry My A River” by Justin Timberlake. Funnily enough Dolores didn’t fight much for the girl at first saying her vocal style was closer to that of Jamelia, which led other coaches to laugh at her saying words like: “that’s Dolores reverse psychology” or “was that a pitch, Dolores?
Dolores eventually argued that joining her team would be a great opportunity for Anna as none of her candidates has a similar voice, she then used a secret weapon “see the ball, be the ball” to make sure she would convince the girl to join her team, bringing her to a total of 11 candidates. Welcome to you, Anna. #TeamDolores

Anna O’ Hanlon – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

So here’s the final list of all #TeamDolores candidates:
Kellie Lewis – Thomas Kinney – Sean Sunderland – Pauric McLoughlin – Mariah Butler – John Hogan Jr – Michelle Revins – Jamie Stanton – Nella Dwyer – Peter Whitford – Anna O’Hanlon

Next round will thus see team members battle against each others in groups of 2 (or 3) by singing the same song. Time to tell us who are your favorites, and who you think will fight against each other 🙂 ….
Let the battles begin!

“The Voice of Ireland” – Episode #4 and #5

February 3, 2014  |  Comments Off on “The Voice of Ireland” – Episode #4 and #5  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

Dear all,
Sincere apologies for the delay in debriefing last week’s episode (#4) of “The Voice of Ireland”, we’ve been a little scarce lately and thought we should rather kill two birds with one stone tonight by reviewing the last two shows.

It’s fair to say that episodes #4 and #5 were rather centered on other coaches than Dolores as she obviously had the most on her team with 8 talents following the 3rd Blind Audition. Our favorite singer thus didn’t spin her chair much recently, although she did manage to add one candidate to her team at both shows:

Jamie Stanton made it through the 4th Blind Audition with his strong rock male voice which successfully convinced Dolores to turn for him. An interesting choice indeed which we approve here at CW as some of us, rock fans, enjoy the fact that Jamie will hopefully add “some decibels” to the TV show.

Jamie Stanton – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

As for tonight concerning episode #5, Dolores was the only one to turn for Nella Dwyer and her surprising cover of “Best Song Ever” by One Direction. Although one could question the choice of her song, her brilliant “quirky” rendering should make everyone eye-to-eye: Nella’s unique signature thumbprint indeed really is beautiful and interesting.

Nella Dwyer – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

Congrats to both of them for joining #TeamDolores
Now, let’s show Dolores’ team is “la crème de la crème” as she rightfully stated!

Let us note that these last two shows saw Team Bressie growing stronger, especially with the notable performance of Brendan McCahey who covered David Bowie’s “Starman”:

Brendan McCahey – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

….as well as our major favorite Sarah Sylvia and her breathtaking performance of “Joga” by Bjork.
Although we do wish Sarah had followed her initial choice by picking Dolores (if ever you read this Sarah, what the hell crossed your mind ahah?) we do think the girl deserves a big shout-out on here as her blind audition will probably remain as one of the most mind-blowing of this whole season. Have a look:

Sarah Sylvia – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

“The Voice of Ireland” – Episode #3

January 20, 2014  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

Episode #3 of “The Voice of Ireland” is now over and it appears pretty clearly that, once again, Dolores’ team is possibly the strongest.

Dolores only turned her chair around twice this evening and managed to convince both John Hogan Jr. and Michelle Revins to join her team following their stunning performance. Have a look below:

John Hogan Jr – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

Michelle Revins – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

If John Hogan Jr. was unanimously applauded by the four coaches as well as the audience for his very original performance of one of his own song “Little Boy Blue”, Michelle Revins managed to catch Dolores & Kian’s attention with her dark and fascinating cover of “Hurt” by Nine Inch Nails, which made our fav coach quite emotional.

Dolores even gave a special interview during the show to describe how moved she was by Michelle’s “raw” and “beautiful” performance.
She told the girl “I felt like you actually took your hand and you put it into my chest and you pulled my heart out […] it’s so hard to express that raw pain, but you did and it was just really beautiful, raw pain that you have to experience to be able to express“.

We do hope Michelle is going to make it as far as possible in the show as we, at Cranberries World, were lucky enough to attend her blind audition and were totally blown away by the emotion she conveyed.

To come back to Dolores, she was the trending topic of tonight’s show with everyone discussing her characteristic hand movements which led Kian to wonder whether she was casting spells or not.
Her style seems to fascinate everyone as much as the TV show launched a new expression to describe Dolores’ catchy moments: #Doloresisms and even made a video about that:

#Doloresisms – “The Voice of Ireland”

This comes as a confirmation that the new coach really is on her way to becoming the darling of the public.

Third solo album: 15 tracks done & ready to record…

January 13, 2014  |  2 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

A new interview entitled “Dolores O’Riordan: I’m doing The Voice because my 16 year-old son suggested it” was published today by The Independent. And title says it all. It’s pretty clear that Dolores is having quite a good laugh while working on the show as she says she’s sharing great moments with Bressie and Kian.

More strikingly, the interview sheds a light on the progress of her work on a possible third solo album. Indeed, we learn that she’s already got a bunch of new tracks and is ready to go into the process of recording:

I’ve about 15 new track done and I’m probably going to head over to Los Angeles this month and see what’s on offer.

“The Voice of Ireland” – Episode #2

January 13, 2014  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

A late debriefing on last night’s second session of Blind Auditions.
Seems that the coaches are getting a little tougher as many more contestants left empty-handed on this second night of “The Voice of Ireland”. Six of them managed to have coaches turning their chair around though, among whom Pauric McLoughlin and Mariah Butler went to #TeamDolores. Have a look:

Pauric McLoughlin – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

Maria Butler – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

This week saw coaches fighting quite hard to convince candidates to pick them, especially for Mariah whose country vocals unanimously impressed the coaches (and the audience as well) with her rendition of Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats”. Dolores and Jamelia had to argue over who would be the best coach for her and who knew country music better so to show the young girl who was worthy of being her coach.

Mariah’s choice (who had initially told her friend she would like to join Team Jamelia) shows that Dolores keeps on imposing herself as the “talents magnet” of the show.
It appears that our favorite singer is also growing in popularity among the audience as she’s about to get the highest share of likes with her team on the official website.
Let’s all keep on supporting #TeamDolores

The Teams – Statistics

Last but not least, for those of you who’d like to attend some of the Live Shows in March & April, note that tickets are now on sale on The Helix website.

Focus on Kellie Lewis: Dolores’ reincarnation (?)

January 10, 2014  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

As you might know, last Sunday’s show saw Dolores O’Riordan convince three candidates of “The Voice of Ireland” to join her team: Kellie Lewis, Sean Sunderland and Thomas Kinney indeed chose our favorite singer to be their coach.

If the performance of the three of them was noticeably good, it seems Kelly Lewis is well on the road to become the favorite of the audience, according to the number of views she got with her stunning performance of “Running Up That Hill” (by Kate Bush) at her Blind Audition on YouTube.

Kellie Lewis – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

But that’s not all: it seems Kellie has managed to have Dolores be won over by her talent!
In the below RTÉ One interview at New Year’s Eve concert in Limerick a few days ago, Dolores was asked if she had found some talents and answered “there’s a Limerick girl, and she’s like my reincarnation” explaining that Kellie is really cool and actually got her inspiration from The Cranberries who she started to listen when she was 8.

Interview – NYE Concert 2013 (Limerick)

From her part, Kellie posted on Facebook a photo taken backstage during the Battles rehearsals featuring a very Rock n’ Roll Dolores with red highlights in her hair. Rock n’ Roll pose as well…

Kellie wrote: “On my 21st birthday, Dolores O’Riordan was coaching me through my battle song. She made my day so perfect, I actually got to spend my birthday with my musical idol. To top it off, Dolores gave me a pair of her own designer heels and a card, balloons the whole lot. There were tears and hugs! Thank you Queen D!  xxx

Dolores and Kellie – The number of the beast!

It really looks like these two are getting along well!

We strongly encourage you to follow this talented girl (especially if there are some Florence + The Machine fans among you cause she really reminds us of Ms Welch 😉 )  as she could well become the new Voice of Ireland.

“The Voice of Ireland” – Episode #1

January 6, 2014  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

The first session of the Blind Auditions is over and it’s pretty clear that Dolores O’ Riordan is a great addition to the show. The Irish Mirror, in an article entitled “Dolores is the real deal“, goes as far as saying that her Team is obviously going to win as her experience will enable her to accompany her talents the way everyone expect coaches to.

One could easily notice by watching this first 1h30 series that Dolores is very picky, and most of the time she turns around the chair, she manages to have the contestant gravitate towards her without begging them to come to her team.

With 3 contestants #TeamDolores is now in pole position: Kellie, Thomas and Sean indeed chose our favourite singer as their coach. Watch their blind audition below:

Thomas Kinney – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

Kellie Lewis – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

Sean Sunderland – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

RTÉ announced some exclusive videos should be posted on their official YouTube channel in the upcoming days. Also, we strongly encourage to have a look at their Instagram account where they post backstage pictures of the show.

Feel free to let us know what you thought about this first episode and Dolores as a coach.
Note that you can also join us every Sunday on our Facebook page to discuss the show on live and share your feelings with other fans. Keep on supporting #TeamDolores by giving it a like on this page, she’s now doing better than #TeamJamelia

In the red chair during the show

Dolores during a pre-recorded interview for the show

“The Voice of Ireland” to premiere this Sunday

January 5, 2014  |  Comments Off on “The Voice of Ireland” to premiere this Sunday  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

This is the day!
Lot of things to say…

As you might all know now, the “Blind Auditions” of “The Voice of Ireland” which were recorded from October 18th to 20th will be broadcast on Irish TV “RTÉ ONE” tonight at 6:30 PM (Irish time) and every Sunday until February 9th.
The four following shows (Feb 16th to March 9th) will be dedicated to the “Battles” phase and 7 “Live Shows” will follow after that (March 16th to April 27th).

Numerous articles can be found on the internet and in the press announcing the return of the third seasons of the TV show, and it seems Dolores is likely to become the audience’s favourite coach.
The Sun wrote “newbie Dolores O’Riordan is already riling up her rival coaches — because she keeps landing the TOP acts“.

While Jamelia told Contactmusic that “Bressie Kian and I are a bit scared of Dolores” & Bressie explained “I am quite intimidated by her and her history“. Dolores indeed likes to remind other coaches during the show that she toured worldwide and sold 45 million records.

Digging articles on the Internet, we also learn that the presenter of the show, Kathryn Thomas, used to be such a fan of The Cranberries that she once asked her granny to drive to Dolores’ house in order to get a chance to catch a glimpse of the singer.
She adds “I was quite star-struck when I first met Dolores because I was such a big fan. But she’s lovely and such a sweet person […] Jamelia wasn’t intimidated at all and Kian had met her. So it was Bressie and me trying to play it cool around her“.

Also, some great photos appeared in the last days, most of them in HQ.
3 photos are for the official promo and 3 others were taken during a video interview to be seen possibly in tonight’s VOI episode.

Promo pic.1

Promo pic.2

Promo pic.3

Dolores interviewed for the show

Here’s a couple of photos that some CW team members took a few days ago in Dublin.
Those “The Voice of Ireland” billboards are EVERYWHERE in the city.

Billboard – The Voice of Ireland

Another billboard near Dublin’s Spire

Now watch the last video posted on the official YouTube of the TV show announcing the first day of the Series 3:

Backstage at the Blind Auditions – First day – “The Voice of Ireland”

And last but not least, we haven’t found any live stream to watch the show live outside of Ireland yet. If you do, please feel free to post the link as a comment because it seems we won’t be able to watch it on without an Irish IP… but we trust it’ll be available to download as a torrent rather quickly after the broadcast. Also keep in mind that the TV show will post some exclusive videos on their YouTube every week!

… and don’t forget to support #teamdolores by giving it a like on this page!!!

New Dolores interview by Barry Egan in The Independent

December 23, 2013  |  Comments Off on New Dolores interview by Barry Egan in The Independent  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Since her last interview with Barry Egan last november in which she confessed she was sexually abused as a child, Dolores have been entering a healing process which she explains in a new interview in The Independent entitled “Dolores O’Riordan: rock star and truth-seeker

Invited to join her in Roma, Italy three weeks ago where she performed at “Concerto di Natale”, Barry Egan thus discussed this relief with her:

It does feel good to have that off the shoulders.
You can dwell on negative stuff in the past too much and then you will never grow and you will never evolve and you never embrace the future, or life. So as soon as you can you have to learn to let it go and put it in that box or whatever.
I’m in a place of great happiness. I’ve never been happier or as calm or contented in my life.

Dolores also explains she decided not to go for a therapy as “sometimes that therapy erases the memory too much… erasing the ability to write.

In Roma where she performed for “Concerto di Natale” – Photo:  Alessandro Penso

The interviews then goes on with what has enabled her to move forward with her life, with a focus on her religious reawakening as well as on her family.
Indeed, she tells Barry how Don, her husband, has always been a great support for her, bringing her joie de vivre since they first met.

He is devoted to me and I am devoted to him.
I think he is very paternal. He really has a protective thing about him. I like that. I couldn’t really do the baby thing. You know the way some men like to be babied? And they want their wife to be their mother figure? I couldn’t do that.

A wonderful interview which enables us to understand how the Rock Star has finally managed to make a happy life for herself despite the hard roads she has travelled along.

The singer is now spending Christmas with her family in Canada and, as opposed to what was stated in the Concerto di Natale program, is not expecting any new baby but is looking forward to having grandbabies in a (near?) future.

Dolores was visiting the Vatican to meet the Pope – Photo: Alessandro Penso

The Battles of “The Voice of Ireland” in a nutshell

December 22, 2013  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

Better late than never, a few words on what happened last Sunday and Monday at “The Voice of Ireland”.

The coaches: Dolores, Kian, Bressie, Jamelia

According to fans who attended the shooting, it seems Dolores is still having fun taking part to this show. Although she’s the one giving candidates the most professional advices, she’s also doing many jokes which the audience seems to appreciate a lot.

Kathryn Thomas, the host of the show, told The Independent in an article entitled “Kathryn Thomas planning a family Christmas… but without her new squeeze, Padraig” that “[Dolores] loves the audience. She has had to be reminded of the rules of the show which is pretty funny“.

In another article entitled  “I’ve lost touch with The Voice winner Keith Hanley admits Jamelia“, another coach, Jamelia (who won competition last year), explained that Dolores was a great addition: “[she] is wicked. She is as mad as a box of frogs“.

As usual during the Battle phase, each team is mentored and developed by their coach plus an adviser. Dolores’ advisor is Fiachna Ó Braonáin from the band “Hothouse Flowers, a quite famous Irish band for whom The Cranberries opened shows in 1993.

Bressie, Fiachna Ó Braonáin (Dolores’ advisor), Dolores

3 coaches wand their advisors

Last but not least, from what fans reported, Dolores said that hopefully a third album would be released, though she stated she wouldn’t tour before 2015.

We strongly advice to watch the show which will air starting from January 6th on RTÉ One, every sunday 6:30 PM. Dolores really is as Rock n’ Roll at “The Voice of Ireland” as she can be on stage.
For those who can’t access to Irish TV’s, some videos will be available on the official website of the show:

Thanks to Cristy PS for the pics as well as Cranberries Greece


December 13, 2013  |  Comments Off on DOLORES SUPPORT CAMPAIGN: 1 DAY TO GO…  |  by Camille  |  Other News

Dear all,
Thank you so much for your contributions, we managed to gather 42% of the required amount to pay for the advert, which was really of help for us.
It seems Fundrazr allows us to keep the campaign alive for a little while, so those who want to take part in the fundraising effort can still donate money for a few days!

As for the messages, we’ll keep on posting those we receive until Saturday – 11:59 PM (GMT) so feel free to send yours to supportdolores (at) along with your name/username and country.
If you don’t get any confirmation from us to tell your message will be posted, please do send your email again as we do answer everyone!

We’re very happy so many countries are represented, people from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine, Uruguay and the USA sent their support messages to Dolores.

This really is heartwarming!
Well done, guys!


December 9, 2013  |  Comments Off on SUPPORT DOLORES CAMPAIGN: THIS IS HAPPENING!  |  by Camille  |  Other News

Dear ‘berries fans,
We’re very pleased to tell you that the advert WILL be published in the LIFE magazine this Sunday. The CW Team paid the required amount to make it happen.
Those who are willing to support our effort still have 3 days to help us by giving money on Fundrazr.

What matters most, now, is to gather as many messages as possible to encourage Dolores.
Send your support messages to supportdolores (at), don’t forget to include your name or username and country. They will then be published at this address:

We’re giving you until SATURDAY 14TH, 11:59 PM (GMT) to send your messages!
It’s time to give back, peeps!

“Life” front cover


December 6, 2013  |  Comments Off on SUPPORT DOLORES CAMPAIGN: TIME IS TICKING OUT  |  by Camille  |  Other News


It’s time to encourage Dolores, we’ve got 1 WEEK LEFT to act.

Send your support messages to supportdolores (at) and tell her how important she is to you. Even a few words can be significant and will be much appreciated.
For those who are struggling with English, you can still write messages in your own language (they won’t be translated though), your contribution will still be important.

You can also contribute by giving money via Fundrazr if you want to help us buying the advert.
Let us recall you that you’re very welcome to send a message to Dolores even if you’re not contributing to the fund-raising effort!

Remember, this is your one and only opportunity to answer her call in the LIFE magazine and do something for her.
300 of you liked our post about the campaign, we should thus be able to make it all together!

Your idol is reaching out for help.
Are YOU listening to DOLORES?

PS: To all the loyal Italian fans who might be able to  have a talk with her in the upcoming days, please try not to mention it as it’d be better to let her find out by herself, cheers!

In it together 🙂

Dolores has arrived in Italy to perform at “Concerto di Natale”

December 4, 2013  |  Comments Off on Dolores has arrived in Italy to perform at “Concerto di Natale”  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores was spotted in Italy today where she’s due to perform at “Concerto di Natale” this Saturday. The photo below was taken in Città del Vaticano (Vatican City).

Dolores in Vatican City (near Rome)


November 25, 2013  |  Comments Off on A GLOBAL FAN CAMPAIGN TO SUPPORT DOLORES  |  by Camille  |  Other News

Dear Cranberries fans,

As a community, we are bound by the same passion towards Dolores O’ Riordan because her songs are our inspiration. They have provided the soundtrack to our lives. Through good times and bad they have given us something to hold on to and helped make us stronger people.

Today is the day we have to tell Dolores how much we value this and how important she is to us!

Indeed, many of us were moved by Dolores recent expose in the major Irish newspaper “Sunday Independent” where she gave a very intimate interview with the journalist Barry Egan of that paper’s “LIFE” magazine, revealing she was sexually abused as a child.
Following this publication, numerous fans expressed a desire to show their solidarity, especially as Dolores stated « if I tell my fans that this happened to me and they still love me, that’s going to make me feel good about myself ».
Our idol is reaching out for help. This is therefore the time to tell her that our love is unconditional and will never fade.

To make this happen the Cranberries World team has decided to launch a global support project:

In partnership with the Sunday Independent’s LIFE, we’re going to publish the following half page advert in the magazine on December 15th so as to answer Dolores via the same means she herself used to confess her most intimate secrets. We believe that by acting this way, we will be demonstrating to Dolores how much we love and respect her no matter what has happened in her past.
Please note that we can guarantee Dolores will be provided with a copy of the magazine.

How can you contribute to this project?

First, you can encourage Dolores and express your love by sending your support messages together with your name/username and your country to supportdolores [at] Collective messages are also welcome. Please don’t be shy, show her that her revelation will in no way affect our respect or feelings towards her.
We will then publish all of your messages on in order to show Dolores that fans from all over the world are supporting her.

Secondly, we’re asking help from all of you to finance that advert as we need to raise €2,500 for a half page in “LIFE” magazine (27x14cm). We believe this opportunity is unique, and we can only make it happen if we all contribute. Let’s tell the Irish people and the entire world that The Cranberries fans are passionate and devoted. Let’s show them how strong we are when it comes to supporting the woman who gives us so much. You can donate via the donations platform FundRazr which accepts secure payments with PayPal, MasterCard, Visa and other cards.


We’ve got less than 3 weeks to act, deadline for messages and fundraising is December 13th!

Thank you to all those who have supported us thus far and those who plan to support us in the near future. We know your support will be of great encouragement to Dolores and help her move forward with her life.
Thank you as well to photographer Mattia Sarzi Madidini who allowed us to use his wonderful picture of Dolores for the ad.

We’d also like to give a big shout out to Barry Egan and Eoin Healy of The Independent for the confidence and trust they have placed in us so that our ambitious project may see the light of day.

Last but not least, spread the word! Tell your Cranberries mates about our campaign.
Let’s make it huge and important, for us the fans and for Dolores.
Let’s keep the love alive.
Thank you.

The Burtons to return to Canada

November 16, 2013  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

In an online article entitled “Cranberries star Dolores to linger in Canada”, the “Irish Daily Star” revealed that Dolores O’ Riordan and husband Don Burton were to come back to Canada.

As you might remember, the singer and her family had decided to move back to Ireland this summer and rented a house near Dublin for a trial period but it seems her children are homesick and want to go back to Toronto.

We can thus imagine that Dolores will probably not take part in the fourth series of The Voice of Ireland next year (2014-2015).

(The “Irish Daily Star” article is no longer available)


According to the article published today, the journalist Barry Egan confirms the Burton family has already left to Canada explaining that Dolores & Don, their children, as well as their two dogs took a plane last Tuesday. Dolores has already planned to be back in Dublin mid-December for The Voice Battles.

It was too built up for us. Too many people and cars and it felt like being in a box
We missed the wilderness. You get used to the great outdoors.
From my window at home in Canada with the heavy snow on the trees, I can see people fishing through the ice. Doesn’t that sound enticing?
I’m looking forward to peaceful silence at last!

BREAKING NEWS: Dolores sexually abused as a child

November 10, 2013  |  7 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

As we all noticed recently, since Dolores O’ Riordan has been taking part to the reality television singing competition “The Voice of Ireland”, Irish medias keep on digging information about her.

After revealing that she was about to launch court action against Noel Hogan about two weeks ago, the (as well as Irish Mirror) shed a light today on her childhood in a most unexpected interview in which she confesses that she was sexually abused as a child.

The full interview will be available in a few hours this Sunday (it’s almost 3:00 AM Irish Time right now) in the Sunday Independent’s Life Magazine. The ePaper version can already be downloaded for €2.80

Dolores on the front cover of “LIFE”

This is obviously the first time Dolores explicitly mentions such a fact:
Even though she had already spoken about the trauma she suffered from during her relationship with Mike Mahoney, the abuse she recently spoke of “started when she was 8 and continued until she was 12“, which shows this has nothing to do with the physical violence her domineering boyfriend used to impose on her.

Regarding from what we understand of the song “In The Garden off the album “Are You Listening?” released in 2007, it seems that Dolores had tried to speak indirectly about what she calls her “little dirty secret” before. Indeed, back in 2007, some of us, fans, analysed the lyrics and suggested the following lines could refer to some of her childhood memories which pointed to such a possibility:

I see her playing in the garden
I was once like her, you did this to me
I don’t remember, when this offence begun
I don’t remember, I can’t undo what’s done

The theory could never be confirmed, even though the song “Skeleton” off the album “No Baggage” released in 2009 provided more clues with lines such as:

I tried to face it
I can’t erase it
So I must face it
I must embrace it
I have wasted my time
Dwelling in the shadows from the past
In the corner of the room
I tried to face it

It seems that Dolores has been pondering over what she considers as a “skeleton” a lot recently, hence the revelation that came today. Indeed, she explains she hadn’t seen her abuser for years until she saw him at the funeral of her father two years ago, which brought back the demons of the past as she was about to start a new tour. Dolores then emphasizes the depression she went through on the 2012 world tour, saying “I worried that I might not make it through it“, some facts that created a special atmosphere at these gigs that some of us, fans, could unfortunately feel.

By opening up to her fans via this interview, Dolores hopes that she’ll be released from this trauma, hence the necessity to speak about it and justify some of the songs she wrote in order to heal and move forward.

Dolores O’ Riordan to launch court action against Noel Hogan

October 25, 2013  |  8 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

A weird piece of news to wake up with this morning as we find out in the Irish Press (Irish Independent & Limerick Leader) that Dolores O’ Riordan is about to launch court action against Noel Hogan.

According to these articles, the “cause of action in the filing is listed as a declaration” but no other details have been given as the singer, her spokesperson and Noel remain quiet about the matter.

This, of course, is quite unexpected as The Cranberries have been stating since their reunion tour in 2009 that they’ve always been in good terms and that both Dolores and Noel had even kept writing for each other during the band’s hiatus.

Let’s hope for more news to understand what’s happening exactly and see if that can affect the future of the band as this is quite worrying and shocking for us, fans.
Let’s also note that both articles seem to be repeating the content of a press release without clearly understanding what’s at stake as they’re using the same exact terms.

The Voice of Ireland’s Blind Auditions

October 20, 2013  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

As promised, here’s some news from the Blind Auditions of “The Voice of Ireland” TV show where Dolores just appeared as a coach for the first time this year.

Dolores’ seat

Some members of our team were on site and were quite surprised to see how easily Dolores plays the game, almost stealing the show from Kian Egan, one of the 4 original coaches and superstar of the show. She seems to be taking her role very seriously and is probably the most professional coach on the set, giving candidates technical advices, as well as entertaining everyone with numerous jokes. Looks like people in the audience have been enjoying her speeches as much as they often ended up encouraging candidates to choose her as their choach.

A candidate is singing

Dolores revealed during the show that she will sing at Concerto di Natale this winter in Italy.
More to come tomorrow…

Dolores in the press, first articles…

October 13, 2013  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

As we get closer to the first shootings of “The Voice of Ireland” which will take place on October 18th, 19th and 20th, numerous articles related to Dolores appear on the Irish Press. Her participation to the TV show will expose her to a new audience of young people who do not necessarily now much of The Cranberries career.

As a consequence, in the article entitled “Dolores is back in the limelight and bidding to find a new voice“, the Irish Independent decided to introduce the singer in a pretty harsh article which tends to emphasize the fact that The Cranberries’ worldwide success has a bitter-sweet taste for Irish people. Let us recall that the band didn’t play a single concert in their home country on their 32 dates European Roses Tour in 2012.

Let’s get prepared to read lots of similar articles in the following months.

Dolores to perform at “Concerto di Natale 2013” (UPDATED 2x)

October 12, 2013  |  2 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

As you might remember, Dolores was due to perform at “Concerto di Natale” in Italy last year but her name was taken off the official website ( at the last minute.

According to the RomaToday (, Dolores should be part of this year’s edition which will take place at the Auditorium Conciliazione in Roma. – screen capture

As for the official website of Concerto di Natale nothing has changed yet and their homepage’s banner still does not include the name of Dolores.
Hopefully soon…

Homepage banner – Concerto di Natale’s website

Thanks to Irishsoul for the info.


CONFIRMED. As reported 3 days ago (October 20th) in our news about The Voice, Dolores will sing at “Concerto di Natale”. It is now officially confirmed on the Facebook page of the event but not yet on their website! Probably just a question of time as nowadays only Facebook seems to count!

As usual the show will be pre-recorded (Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 7:00pm-10:30pm) for a later TV and Radio broadcast in Italy. All those who’d like to go can get tickets on the official website.


Finally Dolores O’ Riordan appeared today on the official website… and it was worth the wait!
The homepage slides 2 brand new banners: one with all the artists’ names including Dolores’ and another one entirely dedicated to her. Have a look:

All artists banner – Concerto di Natale’s website

Dolores banner – Concerto di Natale’s website

Dolores to take part in “The Voice of Ireland” as judge

October 4, 2013  |  6 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

Dolores appeared tonight on the TV show ‘The Late Late Show” broadcast on Irish TV RTÉ One. She revealed that she is now the new judge/coach of the famous TV show “The Voice of Ireland” replacing Sharon Corr who decided not to take part in the singing competition this year.

It’s great to be back in Ireland and to be taking part in one of Ireland’s most popular TV shows at same time. I know a good voice when I hear one and I am out to find the best star in the country.

She is now back in her home country to record the third series of blind auditions and the shooting should start on October 18th, 19th & 20th. Dolores will have to choose ten contestants to work with and lead the best of them to the final.

Watch “The Late Late Show” interview on this page (Dolores starting at 1:39:30)
The news was also published on

Dolores at “The Late Late Show”

Arriving tonight at RTÉ in Dublin. Photo: Arthur Carron/Collins

UPDATE – OCTOBER 10 put online 6 different preshow photos of Dolores arriving at RTÉ studios in Dublin for “The Late Late Show” last Friday, October 4 (and not Saturday 5 as written on their website) as well as other guests appearing on the show that night like Sinead O’ Connor, Laura Whitmore and more.

One-year anniversary contest (update #2)

January 28, 2013  |  Comments Off on One-year anniversary contest (update #2)  |  by Camille  |  Other News

Last update about our one-year anniversary contest:
First, we’d like to thank all those who participated, you were more than expected!!

The answer to the question was of course “Ode To My Family”, which most of you got right, although many got confused with “Roses”, a song Dolores dedicated to her father. One of you also answered “No Need To Argue”, a 1994 song which is very likely to be written about Dolores’ relationship with first boyfriend Mike Mahoney (although it has never been confirmed by any of the band members).

Click here to read the interview excerpt we posted in November in which Dolores explains she can’t sing “Ode To My Family” anymore because the song reminds her too much of her father.

Brest poster – Winners will receive it shortly

Anyway, congratulations to our 10 winners. Note that one of them decided to let someone else have his poster which had us drawing an 11th name by lot.
Beauvais & Brest posters are now all ready for shipping. Feel free to take pictures of them hanging on your walls once they reach you, and send those to us 😉

Here is the final list of our winners:

  • Andrea from Italy
  • Anna from Poland
  • Carmen from Argentina
  • Diana from Italy
  • Hélène from France
  • Javi from Spain  whose poster thus goes to Lu from Uruguay
  • Lionel from the USA
  • Paul from France
  • Sean from the USA
  • Virginie from France

Again, thanks to Anne @ Ginger and Aude @ GDP

One-year anniversary contest [update]

January 24, 2013  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Other News

Well, well, well… 6 other posters were given to us (a big thank you to Aude @ GDP) so that we can please a total of 10 winners. These 6 more are actually posters from the concert in Brest instead of Beauvais. And they are huge, about 120×160 centimeters which makes something like 47×62 inches.
How cool!!!

We’re thus sending over 6 new emails to those of you whose name was drawn by lot.
Check your mailboxes.

To recap these 6 new winners will receive a Brest poster when the very first 4 winners (already emailed 3 days ago) will receive a Beauvais one.
Complete list of winners & photo of the new poster soon…

Cranberries World’s one-year anniversary!

January 14, 2013  |  2 Comments  |  by Camille  |  Other News

Dear ‘Berries fans,
Cranberries World is one year old!
We’re quite happy on how things have been going so far and are determined to go on like this.

To celebrate, we thought we could launch a small contest to give away a couple of unused posters we managed to get on the last Cranberries tour (Thanks to Anne).

So if you’re interested in winning a large 120×80 centimeters (about 47×32 inches) poster of the concert in Beauvais, just email us the answer to the following question to contest[at]cranberriesworld[dot]com before January 20th:

Which song Dolores did not feel like singing on the European leg of the Roses tour due to the recent death of her father?

We’ll then draw lots to determine the winners who we’ll contact by email.

Beauvais 2012 – Poster to win (sorry for the bad quality pic!)

Now to leave you with a funny news on this special day, we recently discovered on YouTube an unusual video of The Cranberries gig in Caen (France) which was filmed in 3D by a member of the audience. One song only. Some of us tried to watch it with “anaglyph” glasses (simple red and cyan ones), and it worked!
We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.

Thank you for your support during this first year, we are truly grateful.
Cranberriesly Yours,
CW Team

“Dreams” in 3D (special glasses needed) – Caen 2012

Christmas before time, next Sunday…

December 21, 2012  |  Comments Off on Christmas before time, next Sunday…  |  by Camille  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dear ‘berries fans,
Now that we all survived this end-of-the-world-day, we’re very happy to announce that next Sunday -Dec 23rd- will be “Christmas Before Time” on Cranberries World!

All day long, we’ll update the site adding information about Dolores performances to the Christmas Concerts in Vatican or in Monte-Carlo from 2001 to 2006. Song List and Promo Performances sections will be updated. Stay tuned…

Last show of the European Roses Tour: Montbéliard

December 10, 2012  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

What a show, dear ‘Berries friends, what a show!
For their last concert of the European Roses Tour, The Cranberries surprised their fans playing “Ode To My Family” for the one and sole time on the whole tour, whereas Dolores seemed not too keen on playing it because of the recent death of her father a year ago. An intense and very emotional moment which we tried to capture in video and should post as soon as possible (just like the band, we need a little break 😉 ).

Animal Instinct
Just My Imagination
Ode To My Family
Free To Decide
Fire & Soul
Desperate Andy
I Can’t Be With You
Waltzing Back
Show Me
Ridiculous Thoughts
No Need To Argue
Schizophrenic Playboy (which replaced You And Me and Promises)

Although Dolores spat several times on stage, explaining she was very sick, the band did and amazing and beautiful performance. Dolores didn’t miss the opportunity to thank everyone who made this tour true such as the fans who she said they’ll miss, while telling the audience that this was their last show after a 32-date tour. She also gave away a couple of gifts to thank some fans who followed the band around.

Below our first photos off our Twitter account:

Snowy Montbéliard… & so cold (in Ireland France)

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Cranberries World video: “Put Me Down” in Nantes

December 1, 2012  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

As requested, and a little late, here is our video recorded in Nantes.
We thought this version of “Put Me Down” was quite interesting as Dolores plays with harmonics, lowering her voice tone so that it fits Johanna’s voice.

“Put Me Down” – Nantes – November 24, 2012

Cranberries World videos: “Roses” + “You And Me” in Paris

November 26, 2012  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

There you go! 2 songs in 1 recorded at Le Zénith in Paris yesterday. As you now know The Cranberries made a rather special and unusual encore for the first death anniversary of Dolores’ father.
My fellow fans on French forum “Pretty Dolores” also contributed in making this encore special by giving people in the front rows 200 roses to hold in the air.

Here is the video for you to enjoy. Our apologies if this video was not shot from the front row this time, we wanted a more global view to make sure we’d see the roses. No close ups then, plus it’s a bit dark as the lights were turned down on these two songs. Let’s hope we’ll find other videos shot by people closer to the stage soon so to see the whole scene better.

“Roses” & “You And Me” – Paris 2012 – 1st death anniversary of Dolores’ father

In the meantime, let me thank all of you, especially those who came up with this idea and planned everything with me, those who helped me financially, those who spent such a long time taking every single thorn out with me while queuing, those who gave the roses away to people surrounding them, the roadie who helped us in terms of organization (you rock, man!), and all those who participated, holding roses in the air.

Thank you ALL 🙂

Paris 2012 DVD (?) uncertain for sure!

November 19, 2012  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

Surprising news but nonetheless true.
From what we understood after talking to different members of The Cranberries road crew during the last couple of gigs, things have become quite complicated in the last days. It seems that the Zénith in Paris is now putting a spoke in the band’s wheel, so much that there might not be any DVD at all…

Apparently the amount of money required by the Parisian Zénith to film a concert in their venue is way above what’s reasonable.
Let’s just hope that the problem can be solved after negotiations.
We imagine you’re all as excited as us to know a new DVD could possibly be released, so let’s cross fingers and we’ll let you know as soon as we learn more about this matter.

Cranberries World video: “Conduct” in Grenoble

November 18, 2012  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

Back from Grenoble where we enjoyed a really good show with a very dynamic crowd. We didn’t film what we thought was the key moment of the show but “Conduct” as some of you had requested this song, we would otherwise have picked “Put Me Down” during which Dolores added some interesting vocals at the end.

“Conduct” – Grenoble 2012

Also, we’ll try to capture “Not Sorry…” on the following shows (a request again), and “Show Me” which is turning more and more captivating in time, especially as Dolores now encourages the audience to clap their hands during the verses of the song. To be continued…

Cranberries World video: “I Can’t Be With You” in Strasbourg

November 15, 2012  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

Yesterday The Cranberries were in Strasbourg in France.
Unfortunately the show was far from being sold out with only one third of the venue (about 2,000 people). Some security team members even told us that the show might have been cancelled in the afternoon. We don’t know whether this was the band or the tour producer’s decision.Anyway, as the show eventually took place, here is the video we filmed in the front row:

“I Can’t Be With You” – Strasbourg 2012

At the end of the show Dolores wished us all “A Merry Christmas” and added “See you next year”.
Is a new European leg planned for next year or was it just a way to say goodbye? Future will tell…

Cranberries World to film key moments of upcoming shows

November 3, 2012  |  10 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

Though time for the CW French team members! It’s getting harder to get you updated with all the information about the numerous shows while we’re following the band on the road.

Also, we decided we would try to film a key moment of the shows we will be attending over the next weeks to share these times with you.

While we’re updating the Milano and Roma concerts pages, here is thus the video of The Cranberries amazing performance of “Astral Projections” last night at Rockhal in Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg.

“Astral Projections” – Esch-sur-Alzette 2012

Feel free to request some videos from us in the near future: our french team members should try to attend all the French venues and those at the French border.

Refund requests via Ticketmaster for European shows

June 15, 2012  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

It seems numerous fans who bought tickets for the London show and Spanish shows on Ticketmaster ( /.es) are struggling to receive a refund as they live abroad. Some reported they emailed and called Ticketmaster but never got any answer!

Please, do feel free to let us a comment if you know anything about Ticketmaster’s refunds so we can know how many people are concerned and how to help them.
If you’re English, Spanish or from anywhere else but you do know how to obtain an answer from Ticketmaster or how to get a refund, we’d be grateful if you could share your experience to help those who are meeting difficulties.



Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)